Oct 13, 2006 18:03
the foil burned. the dictionary stole my word. cars and trains took me far from where i was supposed to go. he bent over backwards to help me. a curse wasnt hung over my shoulder, i put it there myself. the sun is setting, falling into the ground it takes my time with it. Sharing, beautiful sun, giving it's light to everyone.
The people are walking, using my feet to their advantage. Dressing myself up in pretty clothing to bring on the boys. Diffused my body under the sheets. Closing my eyes to hide the hellions. Fear inside the monomaniac. is it me? is it really I that kept the fetus inside for sale to the life. we enter words from winter breath.
so long as it mourns i mourn. some night i'll find myself trapped in it's house unable to escape. without the other bodies, should i be the last?