Snowflake meme: Day 7

Jan 07, 2019 20:16

Day 7: Stretch yourself a little and try something new. Go play in a new fandom or with a new pairing. Try working in a new medium. Or check out some fanworks that are new to you. (The recs from Day 2 might be a good place to start.)

This is probably the most difficult one so far! I honestly wasn't sure how I could stretch myself without venturing into reading for fandoms without knowing the canon. I can't vid, draw or do anything even remotely clever with my hands. I write and read in all kinds of fandoms, across all kinds of kinks and pairings so it was hard to find something new within that, and I'm a very slow consumer of canons (if they're not books) so I didn't feel I could legitimately claim that either

But here goes a few small things

1) Thank you
snickfic for reccing The Haunting of Hill House. I'm only three episodes in, and I am loving it! I'm just so sad that Yuletide is done
2) Thank you to
spatz for reccing District 13. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time I was watching it - what action sequences! It whetted a long-standing enjoyment of really well done action films.
3) I'm in the process of writing for three new-to-me fandoms, two of which are absolutely mini, for the purposes of fandom_stocking. So even though they're not finished, I am absolutely counting that.
4) I waded into a book discussion space (classiclitclub) which while certainly not new to me, well it's always been a long time since WI've done that
5) I've read some lovely fic as a result of the recs of this challenge, and I have a little pile of bookmarks that I need to get back to and start leaving comments.

snowflake challenge

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