In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
I chose three works that I just plain old like for different reasons. They're not my favourite things written or my defining fics. They're just ones that for different reasons were extremely enjoyable to write.
O sea-starved, hungry sea (Sam/Dean, NC-17) I had the shittiest December for writing ever. I was ill, miserable, and so devoid of ideas. I must've written two or three fics for my recipient and none of them had even vestigial legs. I thought I was going to have to last minute default. Then when I started writing this, I couldn't stop. It was the biggest relief to write something that I liked and that flowed. I think it's one of the better things I wrote in 2015, and it was so amazing to end the year on a high note of producing something that wasn't forced.
Love Tokens (J2, NC-17) picking this one because it was a big departure for me. I don't really do much darkish fic, I feel like I struggle to make it creepy enough. So with this one I skipped attempting darkness and focused on atmosphere, and lo and behold some creepiness showed up! It's still a love story, just a bit of a messed up one. It was pretty fun to let loose with it and try something different, and I'm gonna say it worked.
Welcome Back (Katie/Effy, NC-17) I think this is the only fic on which I have never got a comment. However this is not surprising. It is F/F, relatively explicit, a rare pair, contains the following tags: "Early Menopausal Character" and "Canon appropriate slurs" and worst of all (for people who know the canon) "Post Skins Fire". All that is essential to know is that Katie is a bit of a dick, Effy is also a dick, they both shagged Freddy, and that at the end of the series Effy was going to prison for financial double dealing. I essentially wrote it because I wanted what I always want - femslash that's nothing about chaste love or much about love at all. Also it makes me laugh when I reread it, in a way that's nothing to do with writing jokes and everything to do with that particular painful early twenties tone of canon.