spn_j2_xmas (mostly) roundup (recs 4eva)

Jan 01, 2016 19:37

I finally got round to reading some of the fics - I didn't even get to my gift until late. So I went on a commenting spree and also a mini reccing spree. I'm not close to done yet, especially with the longer fics, and some of the art. Please do comment on the things that you enjoy.

First off, this is the lovely gift that I got from sophiap . Two of my ( Read more... )

supernatural rpf, spn_j2_xmas, recs, supernatural

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quickreaver January 1 2016, 19:47:08 UTC
Aw, thanks for the rec! And I'm waaay behind on my fic reading, so your fic recs are invaluable. :D


stripytights January 1 2016, 19:51:34 UTC
You're so welcome, it was a lovely piece! I love fic/art recs and wish more people did them - it's the best way I've found to track down things I might miss otherwise. Considering instituting a reccing Wednesday or something.


quickreaver January 1 2016, 19:53:33 UTC
I need to catch up first! THEN I can rec, heh...


stripytights January 1 2016, 19:59:08 UTC
I feel like this with Yuletide! And the other challenges I meant to read. I still haven't read any of the last round of salt_burn_porn D: my pinboard is like a sad graveyard of "fic:should read" tags


quickreaver January 1 2016, 20:52:15 UTC
Yessss...and I have OhSam goodies to peruse IN ADDITION.

Can we get clones? CAN WE?


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