Fic: No Pain, No Gains, Jensen/Jared, NC-17 1/2

Oct 13, 2015 18:59

Title: No Pain, No Gains
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Length: 16,300 words
Content notes: graphic sex, gratuitous gym descriptions, extreme schmoop. Do not read if you'd like whole teeth by the end
Notes: written for this excellent prompt at spn_masquerade, now finished and tidied up, with deep thanks to miss_morland for her beta help - any ( Read more... )

jensen ackles/ jared padalecki, supernatural rpf, fic, spn_masquerade

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Comments 6

amberdreams October 13 2015, 22:16:41 UTC
Just to let you know your link to part 2 isn't working..


stripytights October 14 2015, 11:58:56 UTC
Thanks v much for the heads up! Think it's fixed now


anonymous October 15 2015, 19:36:43 UTC
who tops/bottom? not sure why i'm asking all fic seems to be bottom jared these days, but maybe you'll surprise me with the answer.


stripytights October 15 2015, 19:48:06 UTC
The last 10 explicit Jared/Jensen fics posted on AO3 had a ratio of 8 bottom!Jensen tags to 2 bottom!Jared. You might prefer to read one of those. There's no lack of your preferred dynamic out there.

In the interests of answering your question, Jensen penetrates and there's talk of switching.


anonymous October 16 2015, 01:43:20 UTC
The last 10 explicit Jared/Jensen fics posted on AO3 had a ratio of 8 bottom!Jensen tags to 2 bottom!Jared.

Well, I just can't seem to find any, but I fail at AO3, in general that's why i stay on LJ or look over the memes pinboard accounts. I just asked a question (which I wouldnt have had to ask if you had tagged it or warned for it in your header BTW) so no need to snap at me.


stripytights October 16 2015, 10:19:56 UTC
I'm afraid that "warning" for top/bottom arrangements isn't going to happen. Even if I considered top/bottom to be something to "warn" for (which I don't) this journal is explicitly a choose not to warn space.

In future, I suggest asking a friend to prescreen fic for you.


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