I'm staying in tonight and working on my
super_disney fic. I might beg for a beta for it at some point. It also makes me want to be able to draw because this idea would be so much better visually. However the extent of my artistic talent is using picmonkey + stick figures, I find this terribly sad. To be fair, I also can't knit, crochet, woodwork or do anything dexterous with my hands that isn't a little bit of silver working.
Also I'm still working on my meme ficlets and I have to say
alycat you came dangerously close to getting a ficlet where J2 were professional pigeon-fanciers. It took no less than two people reminding me that pigeons are not the same thing as turtledoves before I'd let that idea go.
So far I have kept to my NYRs though I haven't yet wended my way back to the gym. On Monday! For definite!