Title: Missing Piece of the Puzzle
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Chapter 7/7
Pairing: Jared/Jensen/Gen and all combinations.
Word count: 8212
Content notes: dubcon, mpreg, dystopia, sort of slave fic
A/N: With a huge massive thanks to plinytheyounger for her enthusiasm and her beta of this chapter - any mistakes that remain are entirely my own.
Additional warnings for this chapter: strong issues around bodily autonomy concepts, pregnancy, dehumanization,
Previous Chapters found here:
6 Summary: In a world where women can no longer have children, genetically engineered Omegas fill this function- if you can pay the price (and live with the consequences.) Jared and Gen are happily married, and buying Omega Jensen Ackles for the birth of their child seems like the perfect solution. The only downside is that Omegas can't survive the birth of a child- and that by design they degenerate after a certain age. Not that Omegas know this.
As the chapter is over 8000 words, I've decided it's simpler for once to update just on AO3. The new chapter can be found
here. Feedback either on AO3 or on this entry is very much appreciated, especially as this is the final chapter