just_1_word | 35.7. Uncertain

Aug 17, 2009 13:52

35.7. Uncertain

Co-written with justalilcontact

Since the Doc had been feeling better, and since their time in bed together the other night, she could see him getting stronger. It was why she didn't argue when he said he wanted to take Mia and Daisy to the park for a little while. Rogue still made him promise to call the second he felt like he couldn't handle it, and she'd come bail him out. So far no call, and it had been half an hour. She was hoping it really was because her husband, daughter, and dog were okay, and not because Chase had passed out, or anything. Maybe she should go after them?

She was standing in the foyer of their home, her weight shifting from foot to foot as she kept changing her mind between going after them, or staying here and being the trusting wife. She could be trust, and chase after her husband, right? It had to be because Remy was out doing Lord only knew what, and now Rogue was just worried about everyone. She knew the Doc knew, it was just she couldn't say it out loud. If she admitted to being worried, then she'd just know that something was wrong. Denial was a lovely place sometimes.

Rogue finally decided on going after Chase, ripping the front door open before she had another chance to change her mind. She was probably getting just as stir crazy as the Doc and needed the fresh air anyway. She blinked at seeing her path blocked by a tall, dark, and incredibly sexy man. "Flynn," she said in surprise, her eyes widening as she recognised Remy's lover. Or at least one of them. She glanced behind him to check for Maddy, but didn't see the petite woman. "Hey."

Flynn put his hand up to scratch the back of his head. "Rogue," he returned with a small sigh. "Yeah, I'm sorry to just rock up on you like this. You've got to have your hands full with the kiddo and your husband. I'll just cut to the chase. Is Remy here? Has he been here? Only, I don't mind if he wants to back out on the whole relationship deal, but a bit of a heads-up would have been appreciated so we didn't all think he was off getting shot in the back again, you know?"

Rogue frowned as she looked up at Flynn, shaking her head slowly. "No, he ain't been here. I ain't heard from him, or seen him. I'm sorry, sugar. And I'm sorry if you feel like him not keepin' touch means he's backin' out. He wouldn't just up and go. He'd say somethin'."

Flynn looked at her skeptically. "Are you sure about that?" he asked her pointedly. "He made quite the show in the early days of telling us he might do it, and had done it in the past. That he didn't commit, didn't know how to be in a relationship, didn't even know if he wanted it. Which is all fine. Like I said, we would have just dealt if he told us, but I get the feeling he doesn't make a habit of telling anyone anything he doesn't want to. It's been nearly three weeks. Do your mission things usually last that long without hearing anything?"

Rogue shook her head. "No, not really. Only Logan's things, but that's mostly because he always ends up detourin' through Canada. And Remy's just Remy. He's not used to havin' people to keep in touch with. He never used to even keep in touch with me, but it changed once he was back at the mansion again. And once he knew I'd kick his ass if he made me worry. I really think he woulda said somethin', Flynn. You three have been through a lot. Even Remy has to understand that. He can be a bastard, but he's not that much of one." She gestured back into the house. "You wanna come inside?"

Flynn was going to say no, but he had driven all the way to Princeton literally on the spur of the moment. He left a job at 5am, hung around home for all of two hours, fuming that there was still no messages from Remy, before he got into his car and just came here. He had been thinking about doing it for a few days, but kept holding off thinking Remy would get in touch. There was still nothing. He nodded and stepped inside after her. "You're worried," he noted, hearing the edge of it in her tone. "And you're not used to worrying about him because you know he can look after himself, only you're not so sure now. Fuck. His cell won't even take calls anymore. His voicemail must be full because it just keeps saying its out of service."

"I'm not used to not bein' there with him, or knowin' what's goin' on. It's different bein' on this side," Rogue admitted as she closed the door behind them and guided Flynn into the living room. "I'm not used to bein' on the outside lookin' in. I kinda hate it. And him gettin' shot before hasn't made me any more inclined to not worry about him. He's my best friend, I kinda can't help it. Mia's just as worried, even if she probably has no idea why. She won't stay down all night anymore, and she's been cryin' a lot. Maybe it is out of service? If he's somewhere remote, he might not get a signal. He might not even have it on him."

Flynn frowned a little, none of it making him feel much better. "Don't you have contacts there, though? Someone you can talk to and ask about Remy's status? Isn't that what groups like that do? Not that I know much about it. I just keep having flashbacks of him unconscious in that sci-fi looking hospital in that school. I mean, he was left for dead before. What if it happened again and this time no one went back to help him? This is the first big mission thing since he's been back, too. He had been doubting he even had what it took to go back, and then out of the blue, he was perfectly fine and a month or so later, he's shipping out again."

"He's restless, he always has been. Remy needs to be in the middle of the action. It's just one of those things." Rogue chewed on her lip as she looked Flynn, realising she probably wasn't as reassuring as she was trying to be. "Logan doesn't know anythin'. He was off doin' somethin' else. No one really seems to know what he was doin'. I tried askin' Emma Frost, but the lady's a bitch. She doesn't believe in offerin' up information without askin' for a price. I didn't feel like scratching her back, but I might have to."

Flynn was itching for a smoke, but he knew he couldn't in a house with a baby. There was baby things lying around to remind him of the fact to help. It still seemed strange Remy would fit so well into this scenario, but he doted on the baby girl. Flynn really wondered how she hadn't made Remy want kids of his own. "What are the chances Remy's scratching her back, so to speak?" he couldn't help but ask. "I'll be honest, I don't have a good feeling about any of this and I don't know whether it's because I think he's hurt or because I think he's fucking around on us."

Rogue made a face as she visibly shuddered. "Because he has taste? Fuck, she's a class A bitch and dresses like a hooker. No offence. She really dresses like a hooker, as in the type to stand on a corner and flash their tits. I want to smack her face every time she opens her mouth. Logan hates her just as much. Remy's never been a fan. He hates authority, and hates hers the most." Rogue tucked her streaks behind her ears, and looked down at herself. She still felt like a big mess. Between looking after Mia and her husband, she'd had little time for herself. She did her best. Only now she was sitting next to Flynn who was always immaculate and she wasn't so sure. "Did you guys even decide on the open, or closed thing?"

Flynn shrugged. "It's always been open, for obvious reasons. I'm not about to give up my job, and Remy was honest in admitting he didn't want to be exclusive, even though I think he was. At least, he hasn't fucked around that I know of. He's been here a lot, so you would probably know better than I would if he has. I wouldn't mind if he had - or was - is, whatever. I would just prefer he told us so we can get our shit together and move on."

Rogue reached out to take his hand in her gloved one. She still wore them unless she was exercising her control, or taking care of Mia. She still couldn't believe she could touch her little girl without hurting her. "I'm sorry I can't tell you anythin' concrete. I wish I knew 'cause I'm goin' outta my mind, too. Even if it ain't for the same reasons. And he was faithful. Although, I probably woulda ripped him a new one for ever havin' sex with some stranger under this roof. I kept tellin' him you and Maddy were welcome any time. I know Maddy came once. You're part of family, too. I want you to know that."

Flynn smiled faintly at her. "Yeah, thanks. I appreciate it. I just got caught up in my job, and... well, the kid thing can be a bit hard for me to swallow sometimes. No offense, because your daughter is beautiful. I'm not avoiding any of you. It's just easier to get swept up in distractions. Plus, I wasn't sure how I would take seeing your husband going through chemo. I offered to chat to him if he wanted me to, but when you're going through it, chatting is the last thing you feel like doing."

Rogue nodded. "Yeah, he never felt like doing much of anything, and I understand. I really do. It's got to be hard seeing someone go through something you're all too familiar with. It was scary as hell, but he's a lot better now. In remission. And he's getting his energy back. All his energy," she said with a meaningful look as she smirked a little. "I don't ever want you to feel uncomfortable here, but it's okay. You're still welcome any time. You both are."

Flynn smirked and nodded. "That's good to hear. Chemo tears you a new one. Some people never get their complete sex drive back. On the other hand, nice sex can help the healing process. It keeps the body in good working order, if you're up to it." He rubbed his hands over his face slowly and then pushed them through his hair. "So, is there anything you can do? Anyway to get info, or at least info on where he was when he last touched base?"

Rogue pressed her lips together. "I can try. Truth is, I don't think I can take much more not knowing."

"I figured we just need to get used to it. He's either not getting in touch for a reason, or he's in trouble. Neither exactly bodes well," Flynn realised with a shake of his head.

"No, they don't..." Rogue turned her head, staring at one of Mia's stuffed toys as she turned over the possibilities in her mind. It was the first time in a long time she missed being a part of the X-Men. "You hungry? Thirsty?" she asked, blinking herself back to the present.

Flynn shook his head. "No, I should just go. I just hoped you might have some info, but it seems you're no more in the know than we are. That pisses me off, but not you. I don't mean it like that. I'm just aggravated, because it's not like he didn't warn us."

"It's not fair, but he did warn you. I'm sorry I can't help, sugar. I'll see what I can find out, and let you know as soon as possible. I really hope he comes back soon." Rogue leaned forward and gave Flynn a quick hug. "It was nice seein' you again, even if they're shitty circumstances. He's lucky to have you."

Flynn hugged her back and then shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. "I appreciate it. And if you find him or talk to him, and he tells you he's not coming back, can you just tell him he's a prick and I'll kick his very fine ass if I ever see him again."

"I'll even kick his ass myself," Rogue offered with a small smile. "You know, just so he gets the message."

All muses referenced with permission and are from the princeton2nyc universe

Word Count | 2,174

[with] justalilcontact, [plot] missing in action, [ot3] flynn/maddy/remy, [comm] just_1_word

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