Well, we all knew I was going to do this sometime.
I'll copy what I said on my mod approval comment, just to save time.
"For the 'virus you thought you missed' virus, I was thinking of doing the 'what if' virus, and for that I was planning on setting up the situation to reuse a canon event: namely, Issei getting possessed by Caster.
Basically, what happens in canon is that whenever someone asks Issei too many questions about Caster, she takes over his body and tries to kill both the person asking and Issei. This doesn't happen now because Caster is dead and that spell's no longer in effect, but the 'what if' would be if Caster had survived. Someone on the community asks too many questions, and Issei gets possessed.
Possessed!Issei's modus operandi is to kill whoever asked the questions, then himself. This doesn't work so well over the internet, and I expect him to make an attempt at killing... uh, basically anyone he's told about Caster, which is almost everyone he knows, and then dispose of himself. He'll be neutralized before he does permanent harm to anyone, and probably be in the hospital until the virus is over.
...For reference:
here is the video of where possessed!Issei appears in the game, and
these few untranslated pages here are his appearance in the manga. (...I intend to have him stabbing people, as per the game, rather than flailing at people, as per the manga, because it looks less ridiculous, but how easy he is to knock out if you're super-strong is from the manga.)"
So, where you guys come in. I'd like volunteers for all of the following:
1. Someone to ask too many questions and trigger possessed!Issei. He'll probably want to come after you first, although I don't anticipate that someone as Obviously Evil as Caster-in-Issei's-body will be able to get a worldhop, so that may not happen.
2. Some other people for him to attack. As said above, this will probably require you to come to his world, although I'm sure some people will to save Issei from this horrible evil person that's talking about disposing of him once they're finished. Possessed!Issei is very fast, and either strong or accurate enough to kill someone with a knife to the stomach who's survived beatings on from a massive axe-sword.
3. Someone to finally neutralize him. Anyone here is probably capable of providing the superpowered bitchslap seen in the manga, as long as they don't mind getting stabbed first.
Thanks for your help, you guys! I've been looking forward to doing this forever. ...Which probably makes me a bad mun.
(Most of my responses will be after I get back from school, I just wanted to get this up. Back.)