[As is the way with some dreams, the dream is as likely to show something in text or sound as it is in pictures.
It wants you to clean up after a disaster, and you do.
There's no one left in this part of the city. The houses are all intact, but inside them, there's only dust. You walk past without thinking of what used to be there.
The perpetrator is still laughing after you stab him. You don't ask why he did this, but he says "Because I could."
I want to stop.
It wants you to clean up after a disaster, and you do.
There are bodies strewn in the streets, or what's left of them. Mangled together, so disfigured that it's difficult to tell where one begins and the other ends.
Someone crawls up to you - her face is mostly melted off and her eyes are gone, but she can still hear you. "Please, you have to help-"
You run her through. It's not a mercy-killing - she found you, and so she dies.
The one who did this says nothing when you shoot him, except "It's beautiful."
I want to stop.
It wants you to clean up after a disaster, and you do.
It wants you to clean up after a disaster, and you do.
It wants you to kill whoever's left, because everyone who needed to be saved is already dead. And you do.
I want to stop.
You have to. You can't think, and it controls your every breath. You are nothing - a mindless soldier that will fulfill his purpose.
I want to stop. This isn't what I wanted, all I ever wanted was to save people. It doesn't matter if I die afterward. I want to stop.
You can't. You have no choice.
It wants you to clean up after a disaster, and you do, and you will until the world itself ends.]
((Issei will be having dreams every day of the virus - this one's a nightmare about Archer's situation.))