22:34:47 - (ー∇ー;)
My job is great. I can do everything.
"Forever" [lit: "永遠"] I can't honestly do it.
Only that age,
gehogeho ξ〜(・ε・`)
23:22:50 - TAMA Drums
I appear in the latest catalog of TAMA Drums (゜∇゜`)♪
I'm glad dreams came from when I started the drums ♪
On the homepage my drum equipment will appear here →
I started with the pedal, now it changed from rolling glide to a power glide ☆ [note: and since I don't play the drums I'm just guessing he ment 'rolling glide' seeing as he wrote it in kana and I don't know his whole drum instrument talk XD]
[Also Kazami's entries haven't gotten alot of comments guys, show Kazamin the love~]