20:22:37 - HEY ☆ Thank you for the mail, I feel loved ☆
Health check time again(o`∀´o)
Today we went to get Ichigo-san's nails clipped! (Laughs)
After all I don't like the hospital very much! (Laughs)
I'm happy to keep getting hamster mail o(^-^)o
Give it lots of loving attention ne ☆
When you first keep one you need to get sand and grass to be ok ☆
Look for a cute fellow in a pet shop (o`∀´o)
What do you do when you first buy a bass?
Honestly the first time a person sees a really cool store, I recommend things that I love at first sight o(^-^)o
Well you need to come to like the body of the bass ☆
I think a female bass player is wonderful(o`∀´o)
I'll go and do my best as bassist. (o`∀´o)
note: I added a 'Ichigo' tag. As of now I'll use it every time Ichigo is brought up in conversation is that alright? Or do you want it used only for Ichigo's pictures?.