[ note : Okay now. The thing is, that I'm a bad person and I gather too much stuff for myself to do and you have all the right to hate me, but - I'll be skipping Nao's entries to the present again. ;_; I took up two more blogs to translate (it's not lots of work, 'cause I stalk them like 24/7 anyways XD Ameba + checklist = ♥ And they're not spammers like Nao.) and I've fallen back with Nao's blog and I'd really like to translate other things too, and then I've got a huge bunch of exams coming (which I should be studying for right now) and I just can't manage to translate all the entries until now. So I thought that the best thing to do would be to skip to the present entries right now and try to keep up with him. Because then you'd get to read more entries from him than you would if I waited until the exams will be over. Please don't kill me ♥ ]
6:10:11 - Thank you
What I wrote about into the blog a while ago that bothered my mind
I bought the 【Rinkai Suica】!
It's lovely blue colour na
(☆ω☆)Calm down!
It's everyone's assistanceー!
Sorry for troubling you ssu(☆ω☆)ノシ
8:53:06 - Umumu。。。
From now on sleeping is in thinking!!
What to do is in thinking!
It's good to sleep while watching a movie too but, it's good to play electric guitar too ne!!
I wonder what should I do…
In thinking!!
What to do!!
Maybe this time is the most useless time!!
In thinking。
From now on to wake up or start activities
You, have fun for a day todayー。
Sorry for troubling you ssu(☆ω☆)ノシ
18:22:30 - ( ̄■ ̄;)
Excuse me but
Today There were plans of going on a date with Mayu-san from the evening.
But at the time I opened my eyes it was already too late, the meeting plan's time had already passed。。。
That's why he's now alone in the action。。。
I'm sorry Mayu-san。。。
I'm a deplorable human being, I'm sorry.
If it's alright to say to everyone, sorry to impose but
Please send Mayu-san encouragement fanmail.
It was really inexcusable↓↓↓。
DaizyStripper Nao
Sorry for troubling you ssu(;ω;)ノシ