Rotm 162 Nature vs Nurture

Jun 12, 2007 13:02

Nature vs. Nurture

I guess it depends on the person but in my case, the nature took the fuck over. I think the nurture assisted it.

I grew up on this corn farm in Iowa. Acres and acres of corn. Something like 250 acres of it? I don’t know that’s my Dad’s thing and now Nick’s, my brother. Anyway, we were this strict farm family. Went to church every fucking Sunday. Twice on Easter. I couldn’t date ‘til I was eighteen. That turned out so well. Skirts had to touch my knees, tops had to cover my belly and bikinis were one of fucking Lucifer’s creations. One time I said shit in front of my mother and she washed my mouth out with soap to the point that even today, the sight of Irish Spring makes me want to fucking hurl.

They were anal as hell ‘bout everything. I had to get straight A’s in school, I had to read the bible every day. Drinking was a mortal sin and drugs…let’s just say my soul is gonna burn in hell for several eternities according to my mother. My mom always said the words ‘loose women’ like she was saying fucking syphilis or something. And once this girl got herpes in church. Mom prayed for her nonstop for like a fucking week. And it wasn’t y’know, prayers that her herpes would go away. It was prayers that she’d be cleansed from the carnal desires of the flesh or some kinda shit.

It all backfired on them, y’know. I ran ‘way with this guy in a band. We got to Vegas and I went fucking shit ass wild. I drank vodka like it was water, started doing coke, started fucking around with everybody and I don’t think I own a fucking single outfit I can wear back home without bein’ called a ‘loose woman’. Oh and did I mention I get naked for money?

So yeah…environment definitely made me the girl I am.


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