i never like this things and still dont but im bored :op

Apr 08, 2003 17:14

took from: nycteenguy

Have you..
01. Fallen for your best friend? - no
02. Made out with JUST a friend? - yes
03. Been rejected? - yes
04. Been in love? - no
05. Been in lust? - yes
06. Used someone? - well i dontk now maybe
07. Been used? - nope
08. Cheated on someone? - nope
09. Been cheated on? - from what i heard yes but i dont know nor do i care cause that way back in the day
10. Done something you regret? - yep
Who was the last person...
13. You talked to? - liz
15. You instant messaged? - chris (i think thats his name)
17. You had lunch with? - my moma
20. Who broke your heart? - no one
Do you...
22. Colour your hair? - nope
23. Have tattoos? - nope
24. Have Piercings? - yes
25. Floss daily? - nope :-p
26. Own a web cam? - um my brother does so whenever im at his house i use it :op whats his is mine and whats mine is mine ;oD
27. Ever get off the damn computer? - lol nope
28. Habla espanol? - nope :(
Have you/do you /do you have...
29. Considered a life of crime? - no
30. Considered being a hooker? - nope
32. Are you psycho? - nope (like if someones really going to say yes *rolls eyes* ) but no
33. split personalities? - yes! naw kiddin (this are some wacko questions) so no i dont
34. Obsessive? - over dance and music yes but not like idol wise
35. Obsessive compulsive? - nope
36. Panic? - sometimes
38. Depressed? - somes
39. Suicidal? - nope by the grace of God
42. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? nope
43. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? - in my own place far from my parents place working on my dance career
44. What would you be doing?- working on my dance career
45. What are you listening to? - falling for you - tamia (music)
46. Can you do anything freakish with your body? um yeah
47. Chicken or fish? - does fish also mean shrimp and crab? cause that rocs
Current Clothes - black hip huggers and a capital city classic sweater (swac)
Current Mood - aiite
Current Music - tamia - ive got a real thing
Current Taste - mickey ds
Current Hair - pony tail tacked under (is it called bob? i dont know)
Current Annoyance - satan
Current Smell - mickey ds fries yummy
Current Favorite Celebrity - dont really have one
Food - fastfood, real mexican food not texmex. dressing (ive been repeating myself nonstop on this things) fries i love fries. but im not suppose to eat them for health reasons, but i do anyways..shhh
Drink - coca cola and dr pepper
Colour - silver, baby blue, navy blue (tar heel colors :op )
Shoes - my addias (sp?) i got them cause they were different turn out my brother had bought the same pair in a different color afew days before me :op
Movie - gidget! fast & the furious, triple xxx and lilo and stitch. i think thats it
Vegetable - corn on the corb
Fruit - green apples, strawberries, kiwi, and oo green grapes (yummy lived off of grapes during the summer and cheese :op nothing esle)
Understanding - very
Arrogant - sometimes
Insecure - sometimes
Interesting - yeah i have my moments
Friendly - sometimes :op
Smart - yes
Moody - sometimes
Childish - at times but not all the time
Independent - most of the time
Emotionally Stable - yes
Shy - yep
Attractive - ive heard so but i dont know
Bored Easily - yes
Responsible - yep but not when it comes to cleaning other that. or in speeding im bad at speeding but other then that
Sad -sometimes
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