Hello, lovely Yuletide writer person!
Thank you so much for writing a story for me! If you're looking for more specifics in the sense of what I enjoy, I will try and help you out a bit. Don't be afraid! I'm pretty easy to please.
General likes: I like sturdy characterization and genuine humour and warm affection and touches of angst and, you know. Smutty goodness is fine, but totally not necessary. I really love it when people are fond of each other, even while they are driving each other crazy. I'm perfectly happy with either AU or canon-compliant stories, and am also down with things like crack and mpreg (I grew up in popslash), so long as they're not too over the top. Happy ending, please!
General dislikes: I'm not really into hardcore kink, or non-con, or humiliation. I wouldn't like for any of the requested characters to die, I guess. I'm not a big fan of cheating in committed relationships (unattached sluttiness is fine). Really over-the-top, in-your-face humour isn't so much my thing, but if it's your thing, then go for it. I'm pretty easy, and can probably be made to like almost anything, if it's done well.
More things, specific to fandoms:
Drake and Josh: Drake, Josh
Drake and Josh forever! I love them when they are ridiculous, and also when they are a bit serious. I love then when they are brothers, and also when they are boyfriends, and especially when they are flirty.
Drake and Josh, so ridiculous! I love them both, but Drake is really my favourite. I don't even know what to tell you, except that I think Megan is best used in small doses. Maybe you want to send them to university? Or have them redecorate their room? Or, um, Drake tries out for American Idol? Seriously, anything will work. Nothing is too ridiculous for this fandom! But it can be serioused up, too. Drake and Josh!
Gordon Korman - Macdonald Hall series: Boots, Bruno
Bruno and Boots forever! I don't know, I'd pretty much love anything. Just the two of them, or the whole wacky gang, in school or after, BFFs or boys in love.
I'm really a big fan of the OTPness of Bruno&Boots, whether in a romantic sense or just in a best friends forever sense, so anything that explores that would be lovely, even/especially in the midst of the hysteria that generally surrounds the two of them. I'm keen on any time frame, whether it's their very first meeting or years after the Hall has passed into happy memory. And, of course, I love all of the other assorted usual characters, if you'd like to work them in as well. Yay!
Boy Meets World: Eric, Jack, Cory, Shawn
Boy Meets World! Eric is my forever favourite, but I love them all, really. I love sensible-yet-bewildered Cory, and aggravated-yet-calm Jack, and drama-llama-yet-hilarious Shawn, and oh, sweet, dumb-yet-wise, hot Eric. I would love a Hunter/Matthews pairing (but probably not Jack/Cory), but gen or Cory/Topanga is also good!
Again with the ridiculousness! You totally do not have to put all four of those guys in a major role - a walk-on would be fine. Or give them all equal time, if you want! I love all of their squabbles that get worked out because they love each other, and how they all have unexpected talents and interests and fears under their regular exteriors, and I love how they are a really tight, oddball family. Eric is the prettiest! Boy Meets World!
In conclusion, you are amazing! I hope that you have fun with whatever you write, and don't stress out, because I will LOVE IT. ♥!