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Oct 12, 2010 23:13

I sometimes have dreams where I am trying to find a washroom in a public place, but none of them are satisfactory (stalls that don't lock, people refusing to stop talking to me, filthy conditions, etc.) and I can't pee*. Last night, I dreamed I needed a bathroom, not to pee, but because of a serious bra malfunction, and one of the obstacles in the way of achieving a satisfactory bathroom was that I got ATTACKED BY BALD EAGLES. On the third floor of a shopping mall/high school. EAGLES. They were shredding my puffy down jacket, and consequently also shredding my arm, and then the blood made them all crazy, like sharks. WTF, brain? WTF, indeed.

*I suspect this is my brain's way of simultaneously telling me I have drunk too much water before sleep and keeping me from wetting the bed.


I am halfway through my knitting class, and I really like it. I like the other women in my class. About half are my age, give or take a few years, and about half are older, but everyone is nice. One of the women has learned to cable knit for her project, but the teacher is resistant to teaching the rest of us, even though we keep asking her to. I can cast on, knit, purl (sort of, bad things kept happening when I tried to purl, but I think the teacher explained how not to have that happen tonight), yarn over, bar increase, cast off, and tonight I learned how to slip a stitch and pass a slipped stitch over. Yay! I technically also learned how to pick up a dropped stitch, but trying to put that into practical application led to me tossing a crochet hook across the table in anger/frustration. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to do that. I really wish there was an intermediate knitting course I could take after this one, but the City only offers beginner's knitting. Maybe I can find a different course. I desperately want to knit dolls. Instead, I am going to knit a lace sampler, because my teacher says I need to learn how to knit more loosely. I tend to knit with tension like an iron fist!


I hate it when I come to the end of shows on DVD and the next season isn't out yet. I worked my way through seasons 1 and 2 of In Plain Sight, and now I'm at a loss, and the third season is maybe still in progress? Regardless, it won't be out on DVD for aaaaaaaages, and I wants it. I wish I was one of the people who doesn't mind watching stuff on their computers, but I'm really not. Basically the only show I was willing to do that for was Supernatural, but now I get a channel it comes on, and I don't have to download it anymore. So there!


And done. :)

dreams, my actual life, tv: misc, (not so) crafty

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