Ugh. I am so tired of being tired all the time. I don't get it! I am not doing anything to earn all of this exhaustion. When I was making dinner on Saturday, I was shaking, I was so tired. I sleep! Maybe I can blame the heat. Or the humidity. Bah!
This weekend, I made my project cleaning and organizing my room. I made definite progress, but the closet and dresser will have to be my project for next weekend. Also all of the clutter-y stuff that I moved out of my bedroom and into the living room, and now don't want to move back to re-clutter my bedroom. Ha. But! All of my books, which had been living on the floor since I moved back two years ago are now properly stored on my shelves, and a lot of useless paper has been disposed of. I hung a couple of things up, and it looks altogether more like a room that an actual person lives in, rather than a room through which a large tornado recently passed.
I think a lot of my reluctance to deal with my room previously has to do with laziness, obviously, but also a pretty healthy desire to not be living at my parents' house. I so desperately want my apartment back, but the reality is that I live there, I can't live anywhere else until my mother comes back for good, and I have no idea when that might be (and neither does anyone else). So there is no point in insisting on living in semi-squallor, because that is ridiculous. So, maturity. If it lasts through my proposed closet organization, I will call it good.
Another self-improvement project I am interested in is learning how to be crafty. To that end, I bought myself a "learn-to-crochet" book, because crocheting is supposed to be easier than knitting, and since I kind of suck at knitting, I thought easier would be better. It even has left-handed instructions! However, it turned out that I could not teach myself to crochet. So then I bought a "learn-to-crochet for dummies" book (also with left-handed instructions!), but apparently I am a bigger dummy than the authors anticipated, because I still fail at learning to crochet. I think my next line of attack is going to be YouTube. I watched a couple of how-to videos over the weekend, and it all seems so simple when other people do it! I suspect, however, that I will actually require a third hand to be successful at learning to crochet from YouTube. Two hands to crochet, and one hand to pause the video every second frame. Also, I suspect I'm going to just have to try and learn to do it right-handed, or else I will never be able to make sense of anyone's instructions once I get past the basics. (I suspect I won't be able to make sense of anyone's instructions past the basics regardless, but whatever [originally typed whever, which I think I like better than whatev].)
Things which do not fail, and which TOTALLY COINCIDENTALLY are utterly unrelated to me:
this fanvid of GOB Bluth set to Adam Lambert's 'For Your Entertainment'. It is MADE OF AWESOME.