I have woken up absolutely exhausted the past two days. And it's not like I've done anything exhausting, so I don't know what that's about. It doesn't help that I have also woken up the past two days in the DARK, wtf. Dear Weather: Why the abrupt foray into autumn, when you haven't given me summer at all? Kindly cease and desist. Disapprovingly, me.
I know some people *cough*
offonmars*cough* are pleased with our non-summer, but I am NOT. Hot summers are what make the stupidly long winters bearable. We have only had one good beach-appropriate weekend, and I spent it packing my mother up to move to Vietnam. WOE. The only good thing about a non-summer is that I haven't yet died of heat stroke* in my non-air-conditioned, dark-grey-interiored car.
Today I was somewhere that smelled of toast, and it made me so nostalgic for my second-year university apartment and specifically my then-roommate K. I must have eaten toast hundreds of times in the nine years (!!!) since we lived together, but apparently I still equate toast with him.
What else? Apparently this is the week where I try to eat my weight in hummus. That is a lot of hummus, my friends. Delicious, delicious hummus. Mmmmmmm.
Oh! So Billy got sprayed by a skunk two weekends ago, because he refuses to learn that particular lesson. And then he got sprayed again last weekend, because I refuse to acknowledge that he will never learn that lesson. So now he's not allowed outside unsupervised after dark. And the night before last, I went out to call Molly in, and Billy wanted to come out with me, but I wouldn't let him, and GOOD CALL, because at the bottom of the porch steps was a skunk! It looked up at me and bristled and HISSED and I squeaked and ran back inside, happily unsprayed. SO MANY SKUNKS.
Thirty-eight minutes until I can go home. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
*originally typed as "heat stork", ha!