A family friend issued a challenge recently, and I thought I'd put it to you, people of LJ (paraphrased copy/pasted from her email):
I am issuing a new year's challenge to my word loving friends to develop a personal list of your ten most beautiful words. This project occurred to me while reading Late Nights on the Radio by Elizabeth Hay. Now in the book the reference is to English words but since I have such an eclectic, international group of friends I will leave the language of origin up to you. If you do use a word from a language other than English, if there is an English translation please write it beside it.
Here is the quote from the book to get your mind turning: Mr. Funk, the poet and dictionary publisher, had compiled a list of the ten most beautiful words in the English language, namely: mist, hush, luminous, murmuring, dawn, chimes, lullaby, melody, tranquil, and golden; and the American humorist had responded with a list of his own: gangrene, flit, scram, mange, wretch, smoot with a small "s", guzzle, McNaboe, blute, crene. A blute being a smoker who doesn't inhale, and a crene a man who inhales but doesn't smoke. p.55
So what are your most beautiful words? I promise not to steal them for my own response! Okay, that's a lie. I totally might steal them, but only if they're really, really beautiful. :) The challenge-issuer gave two of her words (she hasn't decided on the other eight), which were bodacious and mariposa (butterfly in Spanish).
It has been so cold the past couple of days. So, SO cold. But it's supposed to go up to like, twelve degrees (celsius) on the weekend, wtf?
January 3, 2008
Taken at approximately 8:30 a.m. in Victoria Park. There was quite a lot of snow falling, not that you can tell.
Today I a) got a raise, whee! and b) spent a significant portion of said raise on Disney World tickets for myself and my mother. We leave for Florida a week from tomorrow, eeek!