1. Weekend was busy, but good. Went up to Goderich with my mum yesterday to see her friend J. Mum's friend J. has possibly the most awesome apartment I've ever set foot in. It's ridiculously beautiful and cool and great. Me = jealous. In addition to the apartment, there was a very long walk on the beach (beach! beach! I love the beach! It smelled like the beach and I loved it!) and also a stop in Bayfield to look at the art galleries and have tea & biscuits at a little bakery. So it was all good. Though I did manage to come back sunburnt, which I never expect, even though it always happens.
Finally figured out why I got so infuriated so fast with the John Winchester argument fandom thingy. It's because I've been through it before, only last time it was Crazy-JC-Fans vs. Justin-Apologists, and I hated it then, too, but I kind of feel like it's even more stupid this time. Not that people shouldn't have passionate opinions or whatever, because I really, really do, it's just that it's all so personal, like if I don't agree with you, that makes me a bad person, which I'm not, or at least I'm not for that reason, so forgive me for not bowing to the pressure on that one. Anyway, we've all moved on now, right? So I'll stop talking about it, too. :)
Finally got to see Veronica Mars on the weekend. Cassidy Casablancas, what is WRONG with you?! You can't break up with Mac, I totally forbid it! Bad Beaver! Logan and Veronica, please to keep up the slow dancing. Weevil... I don't even know what to do with you. Though, by all means, do please keep yelling about your love for boys in the quad. That was cool.
4. New Prison Break tonight! Yay!