This is the drill:
1. Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3. You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
Questions from
1. I'm new to LOTRips (just pretend, what three fics would you recommend me to read?
Playing House] by
beizy, in which Dom and Billy are exiled for a week. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
I Shall Please the Lord in the Land of the Living |
2] by
mirabile_dictu, in which Orlando works his way through the Fellowship. Like that, but not like that at all.
Vipashyana] by
mirabile_dictu, in which Dom does yoga and Elijah learns. The thing about
mirabile_dictu is that her stories really give a sense of attention and care paid to all of the characters, not just the ones in the main pairing.
2. Recast LOTR with SDB's and discuss why each of them is particularly suited to each character.
Oh, man. Um. I'm totally going by the movie version of things, because I can't remember anything about the books. And my reasons are sort of trivial, and I could change my mind about all of these at any moment. :D
Frodo - Lance. Um. I might say that Lance seems to be the sort who struggles doggedly on against all odds (even if he ends up choking at the last minute). If I was being cosmetically-minded, Lance and Frodo both have lovely pale skin. Lance looks a lot like Haldir, actually.
Sam - Joey. Like Joey's going to let Lance travel to Mount Doom without him. Stout of heart, loves Lance and food and Rosie Kelly. Joey has a better sense of humour than Sam, though. I almost made him Gimli.
Merry - Brian. Merry and Pippin could be said to be the Frick and Frack of LotR. Merry is older, and a tad more serious, and that's why he's Brian. Also, I feel that if one of the two was going to make silly voices, it would be Dom Merry, and that's Brian, too.
Pippin - Nick. Pippin gets in a lot of trouble, but grows up at the end. And he's endlesslly devoted to his beloved Merry. Nick loves Brian. Nick gets in trouble. Drives Gandalf crazy.
Aragorn - JC. I went back and forth about this. But I think that if JC was going to be a Ranger, he'd be a pretty good one. He can be kind of single-minded sometimes. And he can be a bit of a bitch sometimes. And he's probably a total pushover for his girlfriend, when he has one. If I was an elf princess, I would totally give up my immortality to spend a mortal life with JC. And, you know. JC probably wouldn't really want to be the king, either, but he'd do it if he had to.
Legolas - Justin. Justin's the elf because then he gets to be clean all of the time. Also, he's totally in love with JC pretty talented, and has already been shown to do strange movements that defy gravity in some of his videos. He could totally be an action elf. Except that he really talks too much to be Legolas. He'd think Gimli was a hoot, though, he'd totally be best friends with a dwarf.
Boromir - AJ. Kind of arrogant and crabby, big old soft spot for Merry and Pippin, gets tempted, loses it, repents, sacrifices himself. And JC can kiss him on his deathbed. :)
Gimli - Chris. Short and funny. No, um. Somebody had to be Gimli. I almost made Chris be Frodo, actually, but I don't think it fits very well. I never really liked Frodo.
Gandalf - Kevin. Know-it all. Heh. No, uh. Leader guy, incredibly hard on Pippin/Nick, but really loves him and takes care of him in the end. Trusted Lou Saruman, got screwed over.
(bonus) Faramir - Howie Because I had to get Howie in here somewhere. He's kind of like AJ's nicer, more tearful brother, right? He'd totally let Sam and Frodo go.
3. If you were to rec me five songs to download what would they be, and why?
1. 'Godhead' by Nitzer Ebb, because it's strange and twisted and a little bit hilarious. I recced it to
jchalo a little while ago and have been thinking about it ever since. ("He ain't a god? Well, he fucking well should be.")
2. 'The State I Am In' by Belle & Sebastian, because it's witty and pleasing to me.
3. 'My Girl' by Joey Lawrence, because it's Joey Lawrence. Also because it's a very silly pop song that warms my heart.
4. 'Today I Hate Everyone' by the Killjoys. Fun Canadian angerpop.
5. 'She Says What She Means' by Sloan. Straight-up, good time rock.
4. I'm thinking of coming to Canada, what three places/things are unique to Canada that I should see/do?
Gosh. I haven't seen all of Canada myself, so this is going to end up pretty biased towards the eastern parts of the country.
1. Niagara Falls. Such an obvious choice, but it really is pretty spectacular. And it comes with the added bonus of the uber cheese of the tourist area that surrounds it. Wax museums galore!
2. Drive the
Cabot Trail on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia. It's beautiful. Plus there are fun pioneer village places, which I am a total sucker for.
3. Stop in each of the provinces, just to listen to the difference in accents. :)
5. Dom is a sexy motherfucker and needs to be slashed with everyone. Discuss. ;)
Hmmm. Well, this is an interesting question, because I haven't always found Dom to be a sexy motherfucker, though I am slowly coming around to that conclusion. On the other hand, I firmly believe that Dom thinks he needs to be slashed with everyone. Especially Billy. And Orlando. And Viggo. And... well, you get the picture. I think that, for me, Dom's appeal comes from the twin hotnesses of his voice and his attitude. I lovelovelove his voice, it is fantastic. And he just projects this sense of fun and caring and hilarity that I love. But we're not talking about me, we're talking about slash. Um. Well, really. He kissed Orlando on the lips in public. He's talked at length about Billy's eyes, and the space between Billy's nose and lips, and Billy's hands, and the fact that he would marry Billy if he could, and yes. He's touched tongues with Viggo, again in public. I'm sure he's done something wonderfully gay with Elijah somewhere in front of an audience. He begs to be slashed, and I think dedication like that should be rewarded. :)
questions from
1. When you started liking *NSYNC, who was your favorite? And why?
See, it's like this. When *NSYNC first came out with the video for 'I Want You Back', I mocked them. Not for the music, but for being ugly. Except for Lance, and so Lance was my favourite for something like two years, right up until I saw actual footage of the guys doing something other than posing in a video. To be fair, I was a pretty casual fan up to that point as well, because for most of that time, I was away at university with limited access to the sorts of television/radio that paid any attention to *NSYNC. But yeah. Lance was my first favourite.
2. At this point right now, who is your favorite *NSYNC'er? And why?
JC. JCJCJC. Because he's goofy and talented and an amazing performer, and wow, so not ugly. Before the footage, when I'd only seen music videos, I was under the impression that JC was the "jock" of the group, and I really kind of hated him for no reason. I started to warm up to him after reading a fanfic in which he played a major part, and then I can pinpoint the exact moment when he became my favourite and shoved Lance out of my heart forever - I was at my friend C.'s house, and she'd bought *N the Mix, and we were watching it, and during the part with the making of 'For The Girl...', there's a shot of JC running up the beach, holding his too-long pants up and grinning The JC Grin, and oh. I let out the squee to end all squees and that was it. Forevermore a JC girl. :)
3. If you had to pick your all-time favorite JC pic, what would it be? And why?
Just one? Really? How about we change that to three five?
This one (largeish), for sure. I just love it beyond reason. I love the line of his jaw, and his little smile. I love that his eyes are kind of hidden by his hat. I love the colour of the hat. I love the jacket, and the sweater. I love that it's a close enough photo that you can see the imperfections in his skin (not that there are many). I love it.
This one, because there's a line in a story by either Helen or Synchronik, Sounds Like a Melody, which I of course cannot find right now, about JC being better on stage than anyone in the world, and this is my picture of that. If that makes any sense at all. And I love his jacket.
This one (largeish), because. I love the whole series of pictures, because they are fabulous, but I think this is my favourite of the set. First, he's climbing a rope ladder over a very colourful inflatable floor thing. Second, the curls are beautiful. Third, his nose is beautiful. Fourth, his hands and feet are placed so carefully. Fifth, his friend is totally about to flip him, and he has no idea. And a zillion other things. It's a thing of beauty.
This one, which I don't think really requires an explanation.
- And
this one, because he is the CUTEST BOY EVER and he MADE ME CRY.
4. Of all the places you have visited, which is your favorite? And why?
Gosh. I think maybe Bisbee, Arizona. It's a really cool little artists' town, quite close to the Mexican border, and it all seems to be built on a steep hill. Now that I think about it, it's probably actually built on the side of a mountain. Anyway, there are all kinds of nifty craft places and art shops, and the scenery is beautiful. And my dad still tells the story of the time when I was sixteen or so, and as we passed two local residents on the street, I grabbed his arm gleefully whispered, "Dad! Real hippies! Talking about the establishment!" (In my defense, they were. And they were.) I wouldn't want to live there, but it is a great place to spend a day.
5. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? And why?
These are hard. I would... go the U.K. Because I've wanted to for a really long time, and all of the accents would fill me with untellable joy, and just. I really want to go.