I'm done! YAY! Finished! Well... technically not until May 4th, but I've got from now until then to study, so herrlooooooo... I'M DONE!
Had a head start on the celebrating and totally got pissed off my face last night with my professor and some fellow classmates. It was a good time, I gotta tell ya. Talking about sex with your prof (first name basis now!) is really quite interesting.
Felt sick all last night and all this morning. Walked around all hunched over trying not to puke. Tried to eat some toast but that totally did it in for me. Bah.
Had my exam/test at 2pm. I think it went alright! Yesssssssss
Got called into work. HOLY FRIGGEN BUSY. Friggen long weekends and people wanting to watch movies and all that jazz. Bah! And I work tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday. This is a helluva lot of work. And I keep thinking "wow, how am I going to manage work AND school?" but then I realized that I don't have to, because I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to Hamilton tomorrow to see Matty in his tournament.
And other than that I've got nothing planned except for catching up on sleep, possible movie watching, and work! Woot.