Friday night we went to a party and I made friends with a cat and a 4 year old girl who gave me an imaginary necklace. It was pink and very pretty, and I'm still wearing it.
Christmas Eve I woke up feeling wretched, having finally succumbed to one of the many viruses that everyone have been swapping. Christmas was a bit of a haze because of this, but many lovely presents were exchanged and good food consumed and suchlike. I finally opened my Lordi package from my new friend from
holiday_wishes and was amazed at the quantity and variety of the contents! Including a lovely long letter with drawings and an anecdote about Lordi's mum. It is all so very cool and I'm still quite excited about it!
Boxing Day meant I needed to head to the hospital to see a doctor, after waking everyone up the night before with a big scream, since I was dreaming I couldn't breathe. It was only after I screamed then apologised that wendy heard how wheezy I was and made me have my inhaler. And Al spent the night trying to calm me down because I was breathing so fast. So the doctor gave me 3 days of steroids, and I'm feeling much better physically, but totally bad mentally. I have big starey eyes and feel depressed and anxious and angry at the same time. Only one more day of them though...I can ride it out.
I have such a fragile system, so easily unbalanced.
How easily I'm sent mad.