Im Slack and I Suck

Jun 24, 2005 23:22

Shit so much has happened unsurprisingly. The last 6 months in a nutshell are as follows

Uni is going okay, just an exam on monday and that is it for the first semester. Had a bit of stress as far as essays for Africa a couple of weeks ago but they are out of the way and hopefully getting good marks.

Theatre has been a bit less of a feature in my life this year but I managed to ASM Little Shop of Horrors which was heaps of fun, made even better by a really great cast and crew. The after party was a brilliant state of affairs which involved people sliding down the stairs on cushions, shower cram efforts, beard shaving, random dodgy hookups and me still drinking at 7.30 in the morning and ending up in bed which 3 others... Shan't say who. Since then it was Stage manager for Frogs also very amusing and currently Stage Manager for Puss in Boots, good old cushion theatre strikes again.

Friends are random.. Amy is so a high school teacher and regrettably I have been a bit slack in hanging out with her and Bishop but come Monday afternoon and my freedom, its over to Amy's for fondue and port drinking. Candice has become engaged and will be married on 3th Dec. Still a bit hard to get my head around it sometimes but I guess we all have to become adults eventually. Im a bridesmaid by the way.

Relationship wise, well, many saw it coming from a mile away cept for me and the other person involved, namely Calum. As of yesterday, we've been a couple for 3 months and so far its going really well. The fact that we were friends for almost a year before anything happened probably had something to do with that. He's brilliant and I'm not planning on getting rid of him anytime soon. FYI he was one of the people in my bed... but before you get any ideas, one of the others was his cousin.. and the other was a lesbian so really if we hadnt all been passed out it could have been good porno flick fodder.

As for family stuff, Nana F sold her house which is weird because it is the house she has been in since I don't know when. Sadly, my other nana died and I traveled to Napier on a moments notice for her funeral. Its one of those cases where is was for the best as she had become quite ill but I still wish I could have said goodbye. As for the funeral, it is still a thing of issues for me. An occasion that was going to be horrible anyway was made ten times worse by my fathers current girlfriend. I usually refer to her as "that skanky fucken bitch". Since when was it acceptable for a woman who has barely been in a family to sit with the grieving widower (my grandad), right next to the coffin, and make out like she is the head of the family.. I usually dislike people at most but her, she is an object of hate for me. I've never wanted to strangle someone so much. The insecure cow even stepped in between me and father at the burial site. She's a friggn psycho bitch. I mean really, who pulls that kinda shit at a funeral of all places. Okay, that rant can end there or else I'll just make myself shitty for the rest of the evening thinking about it.

Hmm dunno if there is anything else of interest, I'll try and be more regular but I can't promise anything.
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