Babys, cousins and nanas

Dec 21, 2004 16:49

Sunday - My cousin Ang had a baby shower for the sprog that shall be born in march and therefore I won't see it until its doing less boring baby stuff.. what a shame.

Monday - Went with my cousin B out to Sherenden School where she is a primary teacher. Her classroom was moved so therefore stuff everywhere and in no order. Was funny to look around the room and see the similarities between the room and stuff inside it to the classroom and contents of my primary school.. that is going back a few years admittedly but it would seem that not much has changed on the rural teaching front. Went to lunch at a friend of my cousin's where there was the whijgeest little black kitten. Besides that, one of B's pupils, Stacey who was helping us out, found a bird that was on its back and we concluded that it had been poisoned. Of course we had to put it out of its misery, well at least Stacey the 9 year old had the balls to do it and after a couple of wacks from a shovel, it flew off to birdie heaven. I was informed later by Stacey that its eyes popped out though...nice.

Today - Went with Nana into town to do some christmas shopping on behalf of my brother... he gave me his efpos card and pin.... Foolish boy! No not really, I was responsible and avoided any urge to head for the nearest clothing store and buy a new outfit. Managed to get everything done and without wanting to hit anyone which is always a coup this time of year. Meanwhile, I'm a good daughter today and going to make dinner, should probably start on that.
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