May 31, 2004 20:59
so i had to get up to pick up my sister today by 11 am which sux because to day I have off and wanted to recuperate from an awesome weekend of partying. Yes Saturday's party did suk (its wansn't my fault that it sucked but i could have made it a gathering instead of a party. That would have kicked ass) but since a partyed hard since wednesday night through saturday night I think this was an awesome way to kick off the summer with my friends plus next weekend is th eturn of the ninteys party up in philly where i went to school. (drexel university). Well i am going to philly next weekedn but hopefully i will be able to drive with one of my friends. Wel on the way home after i picked up my sister my car died. I am just sooo pissed and stressed because that is the last thing i need to worry about right now. that and i have like no cash for the next 2 weeks till i get a decent paycheck and start my new job making good money. well i know that my spelling sux and i love it because "A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila." - (thanks Alex thank your buddy you got it from because sooo many mistakes were made this weekend due to intoxication.