Not answers, no, but questions that raise interesting further questions of "how" and "why" - "Suppression" does not seem to be the proper word for what arriving here did to more unusual sorts, from what I have been able to see.
I am not going by the newsletter on this statement - I do not think "suppression" as they claim is the word for it; There is a difference between simply having abilities suppressed and wrong-body dysphoria, and the (ex-)nonhuman(s) I have been able to confirm seem to be experiencing the latter, not the former.
I haven't run across any ex-nonhumans except on the chat, and hadn't even heard of it when I responded to you. Its still hard to believe, coming from a world with nothing but humans.
Where I am from, it was more normal for those who were not human to pretend that they were - to blend in, so that they would not be noticed. One from my world is also here and has been in some distress; I have been taking care of him. It does not help the credibility of our captors, at any rate, although how or why they would make those who were not human, human, is a troubling question added to a list of troubling questions.
"Suppression" does not seem to be the proper word for what arriving here did to more unusual sorts, from what I have been able to see.
Unusual sorts?
They are now.
I do not think "suppression" as they claim is the word for it;
There is a difference between simply having abilities suppressed and wrong-body dysphoria, and the (ex-)nonhuman(s) I have been able to confirm seem to be experiencing the latter, not the former.
Its still hard to believe, coming from a world with nothing but humans.
One from my world is also here and has been in some distress; I have been taking care of him. It does not help the credibility of our captors, at any rate, although how or why they would make those who were not human, human, is a troubling question added to a list of troubling questions.
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