Oct 01, 2008 11:36
Dear Joseph,
On behalf of the members of the Pepsi-KSC Partnership Grants Committee, I am writing to express our sincere appreciation for your interest in our Fall 2008 grant program. In all, we received 19 proposals from students, faculty and staff to fund projects and speakers.
I am pleased to report to you that your proposal for the CPR/Defibrillator Training /Certification was among that group. Your grant will receive an award of $450 which is a partial grant of the full amount requested. The committee would like the funds to be used to train KSC students only.
Please contact Barbara Preston at x8-2108 or stop by the Student Affairs Office on the 3rd floor of the Young Student Center to learn how to access these funds. It is important to remember that all grants awarded in this year must be fully expended by June 1, 2009. A final report is due following the completion of the project but by no later than the identified deadline for expenditure. There will be no opportunity to carry over unspent funds into the next academic year.
Once again, congratulations and thank you for your interest in the Pepsi-KSC Partnership Grant Program.
Sincerely yours,
Andy Robinson
Andrew Robinson
Vice President for Student Affairs