Fic Rec

Dec 23, 2013 02:11

I don't know yet who wrote it because reveals aren't for a week, but I just finished reading the goddamn 50k fic I got for yagkyas (way to redefine 'challenge accepted', writer) and now I have to rec it.

The Spaces Between the Stars is a Generation Kill space AU where Nate is the 2IC on a ship full of Recon space marines. The stalwart captain has taken them off the beaten path home from a shitty mission because of reasons, and so naturally something goes completely and spectacularly wrong aboard the ship.

If you like Twilight Zone-ish, creepy sci-fi with melancholy endings half as much as I do, you should read this fic! You should read it immediately.

(Confidential to
sineala: there's a Catullus reference buried in this story. I know because I googled it.)

This entry was originally posted at (

fandom: generation kill, recs, pairing: brad/nate

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