rathany: How would I describe Jim Kirk? He punched me in the face once. It was awesome.
I asked a couple people what I should talk about for a post about Jim Kirk. They were useless except for the above quote.
While McCoy is my favourite Star Trek character, I love writing about Jim. He makes a great main character, in my books. Something about his asshole-genius eternal struggles to either foil The Man or be the best and have everybody know it, or both. I've written Jim as a pirate, a teenager, a child, a pro golfer, a trailer park drug dealer, a sex bot, an accidental spy, a lawyer, part-Vulcan, and occasionally even a Starfleet captain.
I love Jim's interplay with the other characters. He's so polarizing. He has a love-hate relationship with McCoy, the same with Uhura but shading into gossiping girlfriends, a dudebro transcendent bond forged in great struggle with Sulu, nerd-friendship with Scotty, a strained mentor-mentee thing with Pike, tsundere sexual tension with Spock, regular sexual tension with almost everybody else.... There's lots of fun to have there.
Jim Kirk just seems to be That Guy you know who has a lot of plans. Weekend plans, life plans, all plans. And he never fucking stops moving.
masterpost coast to coast This entry was originally posted at
http://waketosleep.dreamwidth.org/79606.html. (