
Feb 11, 2004 17:48

Let's just IGNOR the last entry. lol I have no clue why I wrote it? This week has been going fast. I found out the greatest news today in 7th period. It made me really happy. I am not failing biology, I have a B. I thought I was failing becuase last week I was. I am a miracle worker, last week I had an F. GO ME! I was so scared that I was gonna fail and not be in the play. The weekend is comming up soon, dress down day friday. I don't know what I am going to wear though. Probably a pair of jeans and a shirt, like always. This weekend I want to get out and do stuff. I need to get drunk! but I am going to wait until I get my tonsils taken out, I like getting drunk, but I become to wild. It's fun, until someone gets hurt. I also want to get a job. I was think at mcdonalds on aramingo ave, it's very close, so it wouldn't be bad at all. I think I would enjoy having a jonb I would be out of the house more often, and having a job there would help me to become a better person in talking to people, and socializing(word?)shit piss fuck! I need to purchase a poster board for government tomorrow. I have to go. later

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