Neutral: 1. GMAIL DOES NOT EXIST IN THE TIMES OF TYRIA, RAE. ... Well, I guess it might, since there are space rats and waypoints and portals and technology and what not, how odd.
2. Haha half my gear is level 14 green, the other half are random blues. I can't bear to bind green things, not when I'm not rich, at least, and most of the ele/necro-specced cloth sell well.
5. I remember saying that about how there is always new content and patches in WoW and you were all "SO YOU CAN DO THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER?" or something e_e; But, like I said, for the content development they churn out for a F2P, I'm impressed. Although I did read comments that some fans are upset that it's a bait and switch, with ANet going back on the whole 'no grind no endgame' policy with recent patches?
Cons: 1. Yep I figured that about elementalists, and I pretty much spend all my time in Fire in PvE too, unless I'm lazy and I need a fast tag, then I switch to Air for the instacasts, or if I'm dying and my heal is on CD, where I switch to Water. But like I said, even within the trees, other than fire, most of the spells for the other trees are very situational so I never really use em.
2. That's a fair point!
5. As an Elementalist that's kinda hard. I put them on the last few slots instead so they don't move. But yeah, I switch between staff and MH OH, but I have to look for the items (I equip them via inventory and not hero's equipment) so I try to save the first few slots for my weapons. And then you know, it doesn't work, cause 2H needs 1 slot but MHOH needs 2... :/
7. Well, I think there should be cooperation without parties, and the option to leech or cooperate within parties C:
10-11: Wait, what happened to JUST PLAY IT FOR A DAY AND I'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE? e_e
13. Um it might be a mac thing? Cause I tried both LMB and RMB and it doesn't work >.<
15-16 I can agree takes getting used to and it's not like I'm seriously gimped by it / I mind, it's just less convenient :P 17 is still no, I feel like they should grey out / make translucent / something the areas on the next map, so it's obvious :S
18. Maybe erotic wasn't the right word. Overly sexual noises then. C:
20.5. Actually, I'm very particular when it comes to PvP. I'm competitive and I don't like losing, so I make sure I know my class and all the other classes before I attempt, and I don't think that's going to happen for GW XD
2. Mm...Fair enough, and I can't remember but I might have done the same. But trust me when I say that you will have plenty of gold later, and making leveling less painful is a good investment.
5. Yeah, because as far as I know, WoW expansions don't change much. Not that that's very far, of course. From what I've seen of GW2 updates, the big ones change the game fundamentally, almost always for the better.
5. There are many kinds of bags, in an attempt to help with this. Invisible, equipment, crafting, etc. Even with an equipment box I haven't found a good way to swap between 1H to 2H weapons, so if you figure one out, let me know.
7. There are are a lot of design decision tradeoffs going on in this game...For the most part I'm happy with this one. I would rather leeching be disallowed and leveling be easy. Dude, you get exp from HARVESTING ONIONS, whine moar.
10-11. Hey, this is the internet. You make assumptions, I tell you to lurk moar.
12. WHO THE SHIT HOLDS CAPSLOCK, THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF THAT KEY IS TO NOT HAVE TO HOLD SHIFT. But yes, good luck capslocking with contractions. Maybe it'll stop you from capslocking quite as much? ....a man can dream.
13. Oh. Right. Macs.
17. Totally agree, would also help if they marked map entrances and exits, other than the green story star that goes away after you finish story. Especially if one of your other characters has already finished the map and you don't remember it but you don't want to switch to figure out where the shit you're going, because that would be ridiculous. Argh.
18. That's...the same...thing.
20.5. Fair enough. I didn't even enter the PvP area until my mes was level 80. The thing is that the PvP area unlocks all skills/traits/weapons, so it's really easy to learn any class by making level 1 characters and taking them to the PvP area. Even just lobby, without entering a game, will let you try a ton of stuff. The same learning curve through PvE is...absurd. You'd have to level each class to 80 and take them all through a huge variety of situations.
22. Yeah, I know, I've had my own "What do you mean I have to toss this manually?!" moments. But the only time it's really bad is at low levels when you're doing a lot of world exploration all at once. Which - surprise surprise - is your case right now. What I was trying to say is "For now just think of 'Trophy' as a word that means 'Thing to toss', and move on."
Just realized I didn't respond to the "'no grind no endgame' policy" changes thing.
They did recently add the ascended crafting tier, which does technically go back on the policy. And it is a bit of a grind.
The thing is that the ascended tier feels quite polished and planned. Ascended accessories have been around for a very long time; ascended weapons and armor have been a long time coming. Legendary weapons always had better stats than exotics. This made longtime players unhappy, because to get to the "best" stats, they had to do the unbelievable soul-sucking grind to create a Legendary. This is counter to another Anet policy, that good stats should be relatively easy to obtain. So ascended crafting is not something they slapped onto the end of the game, it is something they added carefully after a lot of deliberation, and are still working on.
I won't go into detail, but as I'm sure you can imagine, there are a LOT of factors, and no simple answers.
I probably sound like a fanboy, but really, I have a great deal of respect for the ANet team.
... Well, I guess it might, since there are space rats and waypoints and portals and technology and what not, how odd.
2. Haha half my gear is level 14 green, the other half are random blues. I can't bear to bind green things, not when I'm not rich, at least, and most of the ele/necro-specced cloth sell well.
5. I remember saying that about how there is always new content and patches in WoW and you were all "SO YOU CAN DO THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER?" or something e_e; But, like I said, for the content development they churn out for a F2P, I'm impressed. Although I did read comments that some fans are upset that it's a bait and switch, with ANet going back on the whole 'no grind no endgame' policy with recent patches?
1. Yep I figured that about elementalists, and I pretty much spend all my time in Fire in PvE too, unless I'm lazy and I need a fast tag, then I switch to Air for the instacasts, or if I'm dying and my heal is on CD, where I switch to Water. But like I said, even within the trees, other than fire, most of the spells for the other trees are very situational so I never really use em.
2. That's a fair point!
5. As an Elementalist that's kinda hard. I put them on the last few slots instead so they don't move. But yeah, I switch between staff and MH OH, but I have to look for the items (I equip them via inventory and not hero's equipment) so I try to save the first few slots for my weapons. And then you know, it doesn't work, cause 2H needs 1 slot but MHOH needs 2... :/
7. Well, I think there should be cooperation without parties, and the option to leech or cooperate within parties C:
10-11: Wait, what happened to JUST PLAY IT FOR A DAY AND I'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE? e_e
13. Um it might be a mac thing? Cause I tried both LMB and RMB and it doesn't work >.<
15-16 I can agree takes getting used to and it's not like I'm seriously gimped by it / I mind, it's just less convenient :P 17 is still no, I feel like they should grey out / make translucent / something the areas on the next map, so it's obvious :S
18. Maybe erotic wasn't the right word. Overly sexual noises then. C:
20.5. Actually, I'm very particular when it comes to PvP. I'm competitive and I don't like losing, so I make sure I know my class and all the other classes before I attempt, and I don't think that's going to happen for GW XD
21. Yaya.
22. See D's comment. C:
2. Mm...Fair enough, and I can't remember but I might have done the same. But trust me when I say that you will have plenty of gold later, and making leveling less painful is a good investment.
5. Yeah, because as far as I know, WoW expansions don't change much. Not that that's very far, of course. From what I've seen of GW2 updates, the big ones change the game fundamentally, almost always for the better.
5. There are many kinds of bags, in an attempt to help with this. Invisible, equipment, crafting, etc. Even with an equipment box I haven't found a good way to swap between 1H to 2H weapons, so if you figure one out, let me know.
7. There are are a lot of design decision tradeoffs going on in this game...For the most part I'm happy with this one. I would rather leeching be disallowed and leveling be easy. Dude, you get exp from HARVESTING ONIONS, whine moar.
10-11. Hey, this is the internet. You make assumptions, I tell you to lurk moar.
But yes, good luck capslocking with contractions. Maybe it'll stop you from capslocking quite as much? ....a man can dream.
13. Oh. Right. Macs.
17. Totally agree, would also help if they marked map entrances and exits, other than the green story star that goes away after you finish story. Especially if one of your other characters has already finished the map and you don't remember it but you don't want to switch to figure out where the shit you're going, because that would be ridiculous. Argh.
18. That's...the same...thing.
20.5. Fair enough. I didn't even enter the PvP area until my mes was level 80. The thing is that the PvP area unlocks all skills/traits/weapons, so it's really easy to learn any class by making level 1 characters and taking them to the PvP area. Even just lobby, without entering a game, will let you try a ton of stuff. The same learning curve through PvE is...absurd. You'd have to level each class to 80 and take them all through a huge variety of situations.
22. Yeah, I know, I've had my own "What do you mean I have to toss this manually?!" moments. But the only time it's really bad is at low levels when you're doing a lot of world exploration all at once. Which - surprise surprise - is your case right now.
What I was trying to say is "For now just think of 'Trophy' as a word that means 'Thing to toss', and move on."
They did recently add the ascended crafting tier, which does technically go back on the policy. And it is a bit of a grind.
The thing is that the ascended tier feels quite polished and planned. Ascended accessories have been around for a very long time; ascended weapons and armor have been a long time coming. Legendary weapons always had better stats than exotics. This made longtime players unhappy, because to get to the "best" stats, they had to do the unbelievable soul-sucking grind to create a Legendary. This is counter to another Anet policy, that good stats should be relatively easy to obtain. So ascended crafting is not something they slapped onto the end of the game, it is something they added carefully after a lot of deliberation, and are still working on.
I won't go into detail, but as I'm sure you can imagine, there are a LOT of factors, and no simple answers.
I probably sound like a fanboy, but really, I have a great deal of respect for the ANet team.
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