Seriously though, that's a lot of words. I don't think I can tick points like Rae, so I'll be brief.
-I feel like the individualized storylines are the strong point of the game. It's also very convenient to be able to deposit mats anywhere, anytime.
-Salvaging is handy, however, I feel like it's designed as money sink since--Junk armour is not NPCed for much and you really don't get much out of disassembling it, anyway (at low levels).
-I have never bought anything for myself anywhere in this game save for Salvage kits. (Because everyone is sooo nice and gives free stuff) so I can't comment on the markets.
-No Mounts = Con.
-I hate level scaling. I like face-smashing.
-I muted everything in the game. :D
-Agree on skill variety. The hotkeys in WoW were comparatively ridiculous. My screen was a clusterfuck.
-In WoW, can't you /emote almost anything? lol
-I think you just miss all your addons.
-@Throphies@Rae: I think she's talking about the quest "Trophies" dropped from mobs that can't be pawned as "junk" but sit in your inventory until you delete them manually? (Correct me if I'm wrong).
I read it all. And gave an opinion. Praise me. This was a way to figure out my LJ, wasn't it?
Omg HAHAHAAH I had to click on "read one suspicious comment" xD You SPAMMER. And ikr, I feel like this totally belongs on an actual review site.
I FUQING HATE FIGHTING UNDERWATER TOO and yet the Maze Fiasco happened :/ :/ >:|
Ya I really only buy salvage kits and cotton candy. .. Actually most of the times I don't even use Masterwork cause I can't bear to, since I'm just levelling and I don't wanna bind them. :P
No Mounts was originally a con but I moved it to neutral because it's more of a personal preference thing than an actual "disadvantage", since haste buffs work well and the default run speed is pretty fast.
I like face smashing too :(
Too bad you can't mute me, huehuehue.
xD Paladins < 3 And we don't even need thaaat many, since Retributions really only have a few regular ones for deepes. But that being said, the WoW talent / spell / combat system's changed quite a bit from 4.3 to 5.0; now we only have 5 (I think) active talent points, 3 major glyphs (the minor ones are purely cosmetic - e.g. paladins can kneel down and SHINE LIKE A BEACON OF LIGHT YES YES YES / Avenging Wrath depicts 4 butterfly wings instead of 2 / Paladins' heathstone casts are halved when bubble is up, reintroducing BUBBLEHEARTH.), but talents and glyphs can be switched at any time, and we still get new spells every other level. Also btw EVERY class and spec as a dual resource system now, e.g. we manage both mana and Holy Power for everything we do including healing and tanking.
Yes I love WoW emotes. :D
YES that's exactly what I meant, thank you.
Awww you did so well!! You put in all this effort to read! That's such a huge accomplishment for you :3 You've come so far, I'm so proud of you. huehue, nu, I'm not even going to add you back cause we're not that close /hairflip ;)
Oh, yes. Very good, very professional. So impressed. /clap
No wonder you have as much money as me... You just AH all your green stuff?
But sprint-y stuff all have cool downs. Mounts are constant.
You mute yourself. Otherwise, there's always /blist. >:)
Paladins! ...Is all I can contribute to this part. I don't even remember much about the skills and know nothing of the new ones. I was gonna buy Panda-Land just to update the account, but I realized the sale ended. Maybe next time.
Sankyu, sankyu. T-that's fine. I-it's not like I wanted to be your friend anyway. ;_;
Speed buffs are constant too now that Anet made them stack. Most of them. ANET, MAKE MES FOCUS 4 STACK ALREADY YOU BASTAR-*clears throat* You could have infinite speed if you used staff as your offhand; you never swap out of greatsword for open world fights anyway.
The real problem is that you want to spend real money to be hax in-game. :>
Salvaging is actually designed as an equipment sink. Before the luck salvage items, the TP was flooded with so much equipment that everything was pretty much worthless. They had fixed that problem at rare and exotic levels with Globs of Ectoplasm and Dark Matter, but masterwork items in particular were almost always worth more when NPCed than TPed. Nice when you went to buy, bad when you had 30 things to sell.
The new ascended recipes also call for a lot of salvaged ingredients of various levels, so that helps too.
Underwater: You're probably trying to use spear at close-range? Close range underwater combat is a pain in the ass. Spear 1 is actually long-range, so start with that and use 2 when they get close.
I like loot as much as the next guy, so I'm torn between liking that there needs to be an equipment sink and disliking that equipment is that common... I should stop comparing MMOs, but something that I feel should be considered in games when equipment is "common" is randomized stat bonuses. Makes things worth keeping and still sets apart items that you can scrap indiscriminately.
No idea what most of what you're saying means, tho. :D
Well later on there are differences...My rule of thumb is, basic scrap green and below, master scrap yellow for globs of ecto, sell or use exotics. I should probably be master scrapping exotics, but you know what, that shit is expensive.
Edit: Actually come to think of it I have a growing set of ascended rings from Fractals that's slowly taking over a whole bank tab. Should figure out what to do with those. None of them have Zerker stats. ;_; ...which I think is the kind of thing you were talking about.
I don't remember if guardian can use trident, but maybe try that? Trident tends to be all long-range all the time, across classes.
Seriously though, that's a lot of words. I don't think I can tick points like Rae, so I'll be brief.
-I feel like the individualized storylines are the strong point of the game. It's also very convenient to be able to deposit mats anywhere, anytime.
-Salvaging is handy, however, I feel like it's designed as money sink since--Junk armour is not NPCed for much and you really don't get much out of disassembling it, anyway (at low levels).
-I have never bought anything for myself anywhere in this game save for Salvage kits. (Because everyone is sooo nice and gives free stuff) so I can't comment on the markets.
-No Mounts = Con.
-I hate level scaling. I like face-smashing.
-I muted everything in the game. :D
-Agree on skill variety. The hotkeys in WoW were comparatively ridiculous. My screen was a clusterfuck.
-In WoW, can't you /emote almost anything? lol
-I think you just miss all your addons.
-@Throphies@Rae: I think she's talking about the quest "Trophies" dropped from mobs that can't be pawned as "junk" but sit in your inventory until you delete them manually? (Correct me if I'm wrong).
I read it all. And gave an opinion. Praise me. This was a way to figure out my LJ, wasn't it?
I FUQING HATE FIGHTING UNDERWATER TOO and yet the Maze Fiasco happened :/ :/ >:|
Ya I really only buy salvage kits and cotton candy. .. Actually most of the times I don't even use Masterwork cause I can't bear to, since I'm just levelling and I don't wanna bind them. :P
No Mounts was originally a con but I moved it to neutral because it's more of a personal preference thing than an actual "disadvantage", since haste buffs work well and the default run speed is pretty fast.
I like face smashing too :(
Too bad you can't mute me, huehuehue.
xD Paladins < 3 And we don't even need thaaat many, since Retributions really only have a few regular ones for deepes. But that being said, the WoW talent / spell / combat system's changed quite a bit from 4.3 to 5.0; now we only have 5 (I think) active talent points, 3 major glyphs (the minor ones are purely cosmetic - e.g. paladins can kneel down and SHINE LIKE A BEACON OF LIGHT YES YES YES / Avenging Wrath depicts 4 butterfly wings instead of 2 / Paladins' heathstone casts are halved when bubble is up, reintroducing BUBBLEHEARTH.), but talents and glyphs can be switched at any time, and we still get new spells every other level. Also btw EVERY class and spec as a dual resource system now, e.g. we manage both mana and Holy Power for everything we do including healing and tanking.
Yes I love WoW emotes. :D
YES that's exactly what I meant, thank you.
Awww you did so well!! You put in all this effort to read! That's such a huge accomplishment for you :3 You've come so far, I'm so proud of you.
huehue, nu, I'm not even going to add you back cause we're not that close /hairflip ;)
No wonder you have as much money as me... You just AH all your green stuff?
But sprint-y stuff all have cool downs. Mounts are constant.
You mute yourself. Otherwise, there's always /blist. >:)
Paladins! ...Is all I can contribute to this part. I don't even remember much about the skills and know nothing of the new ones. I was gonna buy Panda-Land just to update the account, but I realized the sale ended. Maybe next time.
Sankyu, sankyu. T-that's fine. I-it's not like I wanted to be your friend anyway. ;_;
The real problem is that you want to spend real money to be hax in-game. :>
The new ascended recipes also call for a lot of salvaged ingredients of various levels, so that helps too.
Underwater: You're probably trying to use spear at close-range? Close range underwater combat is a pain in the ass. Spear 1 is actually long-range, so start with that and use 2 when they get close.
lol switzerland
No idea what most of what you're saying means, tho. :D
No, I get that, I just don't like it.
Edit: Actually come to think of it I have a growing set of ascended rings from Fractals that's slowly taking over a whole bank tab. Should figure out what to do with those. None of them have Zerker stats. ;_; ...which I think is the kind of thing you were talking about.
I don't remember if guardian can use trident, but maybe try that? Trident tends to be all long-range all the time, across classes.
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