so much for the city...

Jan 26, 2006 19:30

I've been going a bit crazy here lately. I think I'm tired of seeing the same people. Not anyone in particular- just the same type of people. Everyone in Ann Arbor, at least in my little part of it, is a college kid between the ages of 18-23ish and can be pigeonholed into three categories (regardless of race): super nerdy, super greek, or super indie. Sometimes I'd like to talk to people who aren't my age. That's what I loved about workin in the restaurant back in HS and at the country club this summer. All the employees came from different places and different stages in their life. The customers were pretty varied too, especially at the restaurant. Noodles and Co pretty much always gets college kids all the time. Except there's this one Australian guy who comes in a lot and I love him, if even just for his accent.

This weekend I planned on catching up on my school work, but ended up catching up on my bad movies instead. I wound up with a rather nasty case of the flu- pukings, 103 temp, the whole nine yards- and spent most of the weekend on the couch. On the upside (or downside, most film critics would say) I watched "Garden State," "Drumline," "The Babysitters Club Movie" and "West Side Story."

It's been a pretty nice winter. I don't even really mind it. It hasn't been all that cold, and when it is, it's been sunny out. For instance, today was beautiful- there was barely a cloud in the sky- and tonight the visibility should be awesome.
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