Apr 15, 2005 14:44
These last two weeks have been INSANE. I've pulled two and a half all-nighters in the last five days (the half comes from Wednesday night, I did sleep for about two hours then.) I've had huge (particularly important) papers do, been noodling, changed my major! and been practicing my face off for Groove.
I honestly feel like I get more wasted off of not sleeping than I do off of alcohol. Taking a test while wasted on insomnia= a C+. Meh, oh well.
Last night was Groove's big end of semester show. We've all been working so hard for these last two weeks (heh...I guess it shoulda been for the whole semester but whatever, this definitely made up for that) I think that I might have been really dissapointed if we didn't get a good turnout for the show, or the crowd didn't dig it. But, ohhh snap, that wasn't the case! The crowd loved us!!! It was such an adrenaline rush...if I could harness that kinda energy into a drug and sell it on the black market, I'd be rich. I didn't even mess up during the opening set- which was nice, usually I do at least one thing horribly wrong. The Midnight Special, The Friars and FunKtion were all sick too.
It is bea-yooouuuu-tiful today, so I think I may go on a run. The only downside to the nice weather is that couples PDA comes out in full force. As Shakespeare said, "Ah, sweet lovers love the spring!"