Oct 13, 2009 18:34
At That Fabric Shoppe!
Hugh_mannity will shortly be sporting a lovely lightweight tabby wool that, depending upon how the light hits it, cannot decide whether to be a muted olive green, a gray, or perhaps an incredibly subtle plaid with a very pale lavender stripe. (On the dubious chance that he hates it, though, I don't, so all is good.) :)
Also to my great surprise, they still had quite a lot of the light blue cashmere-silk blend that I drooled upon the last time I was there. This time, I didn't pass it up. I'd have loved to get enough for a whole garment, but at the $$$ price, it was more reasonable to get just a yard for a hood. Now, I know that the purists will chastise me for my OOP blend; however, it looks like wool and feels like heaven, so I found myself unable to resist. :) Besides, green doesn't go with everything anyhow. :)
Lastly, the unexpected find--an indigo blue striped 100% wool that's so lightweight and soft you'd think it's cotton. If it weren't dark blue, I could see right through it! It's destined to become two things--a summerweight apron dress and...a pair of 14th c hose! Because despite being a proper tabby weave, it is somehow just a little stretchy in every single direction. I haven't done much research into sewn hose yet, so this may not be THE proper thing to use, but if it isn't, it'll still be a good thing on which to practice. And if it turns out to be so grossly wrong as to be unsuitable even for that, it, too, would make a fine hood. :)
Also, in case you've been looking for this, That Fabric Shoppe also has the best EVAR lime green turnshoe-weight leather. Cheap!