Mar 26, 2009 07:23
A phone conversation 5 weeks ago:
Me: It's too bad the DCs never all get together in the same place to share our ideas.
David S. (the DC in Tennessee): I know exactly what you mean! A conference call once a month is never enough, especially since no one except David Boss really talks much in those.
A dinner conversation last month while DB and I were in Ohio:
Me: David S and I have been talking and we wondered what you would think about bringing all of the DCs together for a conference. We could share a ton of information if we could all get together in the same place and cross-pollinate.
David Boss: That sounds like an interesting idea! I'd need to get some of the DCs on board, though--you know, the ones who'd need to travel the longest distance--I know some of them hate to fly that far.
A dinner conversation yesterday:
David Boss: I've been thinking about bringing the DCs down to Tennessee for a 3-day DC conference. What do you think?
Me: I think it's a great idea! We could share a ton of information if we could all get together in the same place and cross-pollinate.
David Boss: I agree! I'm just in the process of selling it to the DCs before I work on selling it to the management since I know that it would be a really long flight for some of them.
Me (thinking): Did you just decide that this was your own idea? No matter. :-)
In other news, Liam-style:
1. A new document was released yesterday by Billy (DB's boss) with revised information regarding reimbursable business travel expenses. In the hotel information, Residence Inns are no longer listed. So, it looks as if I'll need to start finding Hampton Inns and Fairfield Inns in the places I go. This is frustrating, since not all of them have refrigerators, which I consider to be an essential when I'm traveling. At least the Hampton Inn in Detroit does have one, so that's a step in the right direction.
2. I've almost locked my keys in this rental car TWICE so far this trip. In this heinously stripped down model (it doesn't even have power windows!), it doesn't beep when you open the door and the keys are still in the ignition. Luckily, both times DB left his side of the car unlocked, so I was able to get back in. I've taken to leaving the car unlocked, since there's nothing of value in it anyhow.
3. I've been doing vast quantities of surfing for medieval music over the past couple of days. I found a great new (to me) Cantiga de Santa Maria yesterday that I'm just dying to learn. I even found an English translation that scans with the original Gallo-Portuguese lyrics, so I'll be able to learn it both ways. Hooray!
4. My bank card bounced yesterday when I tried to buy the song from #3 on iTunes. This is when it occurred to me that the bank sent me a new debit card about two weeks ago that I'd pretty much forgotten about. I guess I'd better activate it when I get back home! ~sigh~ I wrote down which song it was, but really wish that iTunes had a "save for later" button somewhere.
5. I have to be at the airport for tomorrow's flight at 5 AM. Yick. On the up side, I'll be home by 11 AM, and no, I am NOT going into the office afterwards, but I will still take phone calls.
6. The Boston Tea Party starts on Friday night, but I have the feeling that Heather and I are going to skip the first night so that we're well rested for classes on Saturday morning. This is totally fine with me, since I'll have to get up at 4 on Friday morning.
7. There is no #7.