Hey so yesterday nothin really happened i took tests and got tests back all with not so hott grades...so my interums are all gunna be like "c's" tops...Vince is worryin me and if he reads this which i'm not sure if he does, I love you babe n I'm here if u need me...you know that, Sarah is sick and Conner (merry/kels) is sexay....tehehehe u like how i slipped that one in there?...well umm we got bikers n mi casa so natalie has 2 finda place 2 sleep...today i woke up n took my french braids out and my hair looked cute so i put moosen in it n it still looks cute YAY lol...i went to school n got their a little on the later sidebut it was all good, I hung with Ryan n Conner (dude she makes a mad good coffee)... Ryan was talkin 2 me about how he moved here from Alaska, how cool is that... well he walked me 2 homeroom n then to 1st period and I tried to convince him to goto homecomeing...it may be working,usualy we just meet up n not wait 4 eachother to goto 2nd (honors) cuz we have that class together, but he waited for me at the top o the stairwell and we went to his locker n walked 2 class together, he talked about his credits n how they got really screwed when he moved...spanish i tried memorizen lines for this thing...it's not goin so hot, if i wanted to act i'de join the play or drama...i stutter infront of large groups of people...band Matt was b-n well Matt he's cool, so is Alex Brown...i got my chromatic scale up 2 1e&a tempo 200 YAY... i have mad skills with my tongue...lunch nick n me talked about gay marrige, i love getting to find out what people think about it, everyones diffrent, AND I'm young and i'm not the sharpest rock and i don't know all the facts...just don't force me 2 agree with you cuz i won't force you to agree with me and nick's not a push over so it's cool. Biology i got a crapload of homework and all that fun stuff, p.e. i thought i was gunna have 2 run the mile (I'de cry) but nope it was walk laps again... Clay is realy fun 2 talk 2, he's very rebelious it's funny cuz u'de never expect it from him...in history Zach Josh E. and Beth took over Conner's and my notebook twas crazy...so i went 2 my locker then went to Ryan's and we walked 2 the bus ramp and i asked if he was goin 2 the game and he said he'de try then he huged me goodbye and Vince walked by, no hello...wow... i came home n cleaned like MAD crazy then went 2 the football game n NO ONE was there, so I called conner n she came around 8 right b4 1/2 tym by that tym tho there was a WHOLE BUNCH of us... it was pretty borin n eventually kels n me went to getta drink n food, we ran into Murtha n his friend n they were like we're goin to mcdonalds this is borin wanna come...i was up 4 it but conner wasn't so we split up and Josh M n me were hangin it was quite fun kels n me called eachother a couple of times back n forth tryin 2 figure out if i should go back in or where 2 meet n stuff. Jason showed up n we were hangin with him 2 then we headed back n ran into Brittany and Racheal...they actually like me now lol ok w/e floats their boats...the game was over and so i called the units n they came to get me... Vacie was all over Josh M it was sorta annoyin she's always all over my guy friends...Chris had sexay faux hawk it was bangin... Conner n me all met up then she left then i did n then i went 2 the store theni came home then TADA here i am boy wasn't that fun... Kyle Baker n my hung out alot T-sa n Me n Will n Conner then me n Josh his friend was with him matt i think...but we didn't pay attention to him...oops... so i came home n goy on 2 upd8 n listen to music n check mail n catch up w/ my friends who were no shows or actually watched the game...my icon i requested got made hope yall like it... now i gota request 3 more one for Conner's b-day, n 2 more for ME...prob gunna be another norman n then a Transition one...MY FAV BAND...i can't go to south's hc cuz it's vince's b-day and the day of Transition's concert...i WANNA go!...i have no where to sleep n i quiero dormir...paul go in conners pants, then they got wet...and i'm so serious lol, but that can be taken several ways... natalie is goin to sleep tom...busy day tom. I'm in sucha good mood no matter how worried about vince n sarah i am... much love 2 ya'll <3 ::kisses:: ::Aequitas:: ~Murphy|
Quote Of Le De:
Josh: oh look at those beautiful golden arches!... oreo m&m oreo m&m ::pause:: oreo... eww ur gettin m&m...ur rebellious
Song Of Le De:
"Clarity" ~John Mayor
...to lazy 2 go get lyrics sides the upd8 is already REALLY long....
Pic. Of Le De:
YAY MY NEW CUSTOM MADE FOR ME ICON...thanx: snorkle_c from iconplease (link in my user info)
the songs only one the person is norman (duh!)
p.s. brighamm gets on my nerves