Random Navel-Gazing

May 17, 2006 14:31

Remember when I did that post full of random facts about me? Found some text files earlier and apparently, I missed a few when I rounded those up. And then I added a few so as to make this a viable post.

01. The day of my high school graduation was also my eighteenth birthday and I'm turning nineteen Saturday.

02. I tend to assume just about everything I know that isn't pretty blatantly esoteric is common knowledge and it sets me incredibly off-balance to be set straight.

03. I can't stand silence on the phone. I will babble and babble rather than listen to dead air. Which means most calls to Alyssa are rather babble-heavy.

04. I am a packrat like crazy. Mostly because I am also All About the Nostalgia.

It's a sickness.

05. I have a deep-seated hatred of laptops. I absolutely cannot stand them. I adore my huge-ass, 17-inch monitor. It's beautiful. If, y'know, a pain to move.

06. 'm an opportunity eater - if there's something I like, I'll eat a big meals and/or nibble on it through the day, but if there's not, I don't eat at all. Like, for days.

07. I don't use text emoticons because I have enough trouble switching between speaking in text and speaking in words as it is.

08. I am no good at word puzzles like anagrams because I instinctively accept blocks of letters as "true". Am (relatedly) also no good at reading lj names as made up of distinct words. And I almost never try reading things backwards before I'm clued that I should. Erised and Erehwon are perfectly good names all on their own.

09. I bitch a lot about Oklahoma and I'm not denying that living here sucks in some ways. It's smack in the Bible Belt, most major attractions don't come any closer than Dallas, the weather is batshit insane (fucking Tornado Alley).

But. It's so goddamn pretty. I can't imagine spring without redbuds and wildflowers everywhere; the sun setting on a pasture littered with Indian paintbrushes takes my breath away. My dorm's in the middle of town, but I look out the window and almost all I can see is trees. This is home.

10. I am apparently kind of a slutty drunk. Also, a lightweight. And sadly, the next morning, I will indeed remember everything.

Sad, because on my first (and so far only) drunk, I made out with an anonymous guy and a female friend, and drunk-dialed Dena, my brother, my mother, and my grandmother.

11. I may have acquired a new facial scar, from where I split my lip when Laura and I fell off the couch when we were drunk. It's only been like two months, but I scar easy.

It's kind of irritating, the way all my scars are on my face or hands. Okay, and there's the one on my neck. But on my face I've got the scar where I had to get stitches after my grandma's dog bit me when I was tiny, the scar along my eyebrow where I got stitches after the car crash, and the scar(s) on my chin where I got stitches from catching the corner of the door as I was thrown out of the car (same crash) and then had surgery to make it less lumpy and uncomfortable.

12. I am ridiculously bad at denying myself. I have pracitcally no willpower. It's quite sad.

13. I have incredibly patchy interpersonal skills. Sometimes they're good, but sometimes they're abysmal. The variation is apparently random.

14. I have a ridiculous amount of lit textbooks because my school was giving them away free once. Not copies of the same book, either. I've got like forty-odd different lit books.

15. I love wearing men's shirts. My absolute favorite piece of clothing is this absolutely huge, long-sleeved, gray, button-down men's shirt that my acting teacher gave me.

16. It no longer feels anything but bizarre to be without jewelry. Seriously, I just don't take it off. I eat, sleep, and bathe wearing the full complement.

Currently, the complement consists of two earrings, three necklaces, seven rings, and eight bracelets (four are bangles). I've been wearing one of the rings practically nonstop ever since fourth grade, when my mother gave it to me. Six of the rings and two of the bracelets were gifts from Alyssa. All three of the necklaces and another two of the bracelets were inherited from my great-grandmother.

17. The index and pinkie fingers on both my hands crook inward at the top joint, which can make writing for long periods incredibly uncomfortable. My mom's do the same thing.

18. Every couple of years or so my nails get so brittle I have to clip them all clean and start over. Other than that, I only cut broken nails and even then Ill salvage as much length as I can. Long nails are just so useful. And mine tend to stop growing at a certain length, so it's not like they ever get all curly and gross.

19. I want a fryer just so I can have some deep-fried okra again.

20. You know that quote about knowing somebody who gave up smoking, drinking, and red meat and was perfectly happy right up until he killed himself? Pretty much one of my life mottoes. Because what good's living longer if you don't enjoy it?

21. I think library book sales are pretty much the best ever. Especially because you can volunteer at them! And get free books for doing it! Which yes, makes it less volunteering than working-for-books. But that does not detract at all from the awesomeness.


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