5 questions meme:
- Comment with "Paper. Scissors. Rock. Spock. Merlin."
- I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
- Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
- Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions
I did comment on
lupina78 journal and she gave me these 5
1. Tell me your biggest dream
My biggest dream would be for Aranka to be happy in life. As for myself I would like to be able to meet and spent time with a new RL friend(s)and my LJ friends and a little wish to be able to have my picture taken with James and not stand around like a statue *gg*
2. Your top 5 movies
This one is really hard as I haven't been to a movie in a long time and I don't watch movies on TV.
So I will name some of James's films that I did enjoy.
1 Moonshot
2 Highplain Invaders
3 P.S. I Love you
4 The capture of the green river killer
5 And this one I did see at the movies Inglorious Bastards.
3. What was the scariest thing you had to live through?
I did have some really scary times in my life and some are to personal to name but this one I will share.
When I was 6 months pregnant with Aranka she stopped growing for two weeks and I had to have an ultrasound every week to see if she did that again. I was also told that I wouldn't be able to carry her full term. That didn't come true but was so scary, I wan't allowed to go outside a few blocks from home or do any heavy stuff around the house. She was born 3 days before she was due and healthy.
4. Have you ever regretted something in your life?
I would like to have had my father around longer than the twelve years I did have with him before he passed away. To have him been able to hold Aranka after she was born and be a Grandfather to her and a support to me when I needed it in life.
5. Your favourite Spike-moment - could be from Buffy or Angel (and yes, I asked
debris4spike the same question LOL)
There are so many to choose from but I like the one from when Buffy returns from the dead and he sees her standing on the stairs. Also the one in the cellar of that house after Buffy finds out he has been killing again. Sorry those are two but when it comes to Spike I just can't keep it to one *gg*