Image Answer Meme

Jan 09, 2011 07:35

I saw this meme done by dawnofme  and kudagirl  and it looks like much fun. So here is mine.

Instructions: Run a Google image search to your answer
to each of the following questions, and post the result.

Note: You must choose an image from the first page of results.
This is important.

1. Age on your next birthday:

2. A place you'd like to travel:

3. Your favorite place:

4. Your favorite object:

5. Your favorite food:

6. Your favorite animal:

7. Your favorite color:

8. Town where you were born:

9. Town where you live now:

10. Name of a past/current pet:

11. Name of a past love:

12. Best friend's nickname:

13. Your nickname:

(That is a surprise, it even showed two scrapbook pages I made for debris4spike

14. Your first name:

15. Your middle name:

16. Your last name:

17. A habit of yours:

18. Your first job:

19. Your grandmother's first name:

20. Current/future/past college major:

 (not college but a specialist school)

This was fun to see what kind of pictures came up at the answers.

meme, pictures

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