Will you make it shallow so I can feel the rain?

Sep 02, 2005 16:24

Every day from here on out I'm going to pick a fact, a quote, or a simple thought to put here in the first lines of my journal.
So here goes it.
→I hate pork and don't appreciate over processed meat (luncheon) yet I eat uncut, uncooked pepperoni sticks like candy. Ewwwww. I know.

I'm laughing at myself. Right at this moment, oh, yes, I am.
I'm also laughing at memories of Gillian sitting in my lap on the bus singing & dancing to DMB's Gravedigger while giving me extreme thigh bruises.

My moms key phrases of the day: "Mentally tortured." "Physically violated." "I've been dictated again, and again... and again." "We shall overcome."
& this is all because she can't go out with her friends tonight. I guess we now all know where I get my dramatic qualities from :)
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