I love reading tarot and oracle cards. I really do believe that they help 'guide' you in descion making, or giving you a heads up in the nature of challenges to come. I don't believe that some hoaxy spirit is contacting me from beyond the grave, that's just silly. My personal view on oracle and tarot cards is a little more complicated than that. I believe that you have all the answers, you just don't know it yet. They're buried deep in your subconscious, or your a collective answer databank that you share with others. Cards help you bring these answers to light, they aren't telling you what to do -- you already knew it. :3
Today I drew an oracle card and I thought that it was oddly appropriate. I love all my friends, they are 'my tribe'. They each perform a function within my circle of friends and with out even one them, the tribe would be missing a limb. Thanks guys. I love you all. :3
If you are reading this card then it is overwhelmingly likely that you are incarnating as a social mammal. As a social mammal, so much of the pain and pleasure, so much of the suffering and meaningfulness and fulfillment of your incarnation relate to the other social mammals in your life. No amount of money or sexual conquests will ever begin to compensate you for a lack of soul mate relationships. Relating to random acquaintances and relating to soul mates are two entirely different dimensions. Many people make the mistake of taking their profound inner longing for deep connection and projecting it onto the fantasy of finding that one, all luminous romantic soul mate. It would make for a more interesting, varied and developmental incarnation if you had multiple soul mates and many different kinds of life-affirming relationships. What you are looking for are those to whom you are connected by inner ties. All other attributes may vary with the fantastical variety of human individuality. There is, however, one more aspect I recommend you evaluate in prospective tribe mates - -commitment to consciousness. The other could be at a very different level of consciousness (in that case one of you will likely serve as mentor to the less developed one), but if your goal is development it will be wise to have some tribe mates who share your level of commitment to consciousness. There may, of course, be all sorts of asymmetries in every other aspect such as age, wealth, looks, and even more fundamental asymmetries in - religion, sexual orientation, god concept, world view, optimism and pessimism - but if there is some sort of symmetry in commitment to consciousness there is the possibility of having a spiritual ally, a social mammal or other type of entity with whom there is great potential for developmental symbiosis, for a synergy of minds, hearts, souls. An empowered spiritual ally can provide you with meaningful feedback, they can "mirror" you, but not merely in the narcissistic sense of affirming your ego identity, rather they can be an interpenetrating mirror that aids in the revelation of hidden aspects of yourself, aspects of both your shadow and your inner light. It would be ideal if you had several such spiritual allies in your life. It's become a cliché to say that "it takes a whole village to raise a child." That might be what it takes to raise a child, but it's going to take a tribe of fellow mutants, spiritual allies,to raise a mutant. If you have such relationships, nurture them, appreciate them and acknowledge the power they have in your life, they are like planets in a complex orbit with your planet. If you presently seem to be lacking such relationships then you must be an amazingly good spiritual ally for yourself. If you feel a soulful longing for such relationships that is not being fulfilled then stay open and alert to the possibilities. And don't limit yourself to social mammals, there may be other sorts of entities, some of whom may once have been social mammals. For example, a great author from the past can serve as a spiritual ally, though they are not physically present in your life in the way of a living social mammal. It would be meeting more than halfway if you were out prowling for such relationships, because you cannot force them to happen, those who are connected by inner ties manage to find each other, and that process is often assisted by the most improbable synchronicities.
Meeting halfway is the touch stone of relationships. You don't want to meet others less than halfway - shy retreat, neglect, etc - or meet them more than halfway - doing too much, compromising your dignity by pushing forward where unwelcome, giving unasked for advice, etc. The halfway point may shift moment by moment. A key skill in relating to others is to be, as Carol Anthony puts it (approximately), "attuned to the subtle minutiae of openings and closings in the other person, ready to advance or retreat at a moment's notice."
Whoo. Heavey stuff eh? lol. If anyone is curious about a more eloquent description about how I feel about cards and dowsing and stuff... well just ask. I think Suzanne already knows my take. lol