twenty one | drones up, bros down

Aug 14, 2011 15:21

[Slugger and Pokey, who've been droned for committing their first murder together, decide to do what bros do best and go on a camping trip. Backdated to the afternoon and evening directly following Black Mage's untimely death.

(A) 726 Anderson Lane
[Housemates are welcome to notice Slugger's unusually high spirits as he gathers up the necessary supplies for a camping trip: sleeping bag, lantern, marshmallows, food, etc. Closer inspection will reveal an ashy black substance on his pant leg and a lingering scent of smoke and burnt flesh that seems to follow him from place to place.]

(B) John Doe Park
[Two droned boys are setting up their tent and campfire in the park near the pond. Once enough sticks are gathered in a pile and the bonfire is started, there will be marshmallow roasting and bromance by the fire. Later on, possible ghost stories followed by a game of "what was that noise outside?" once they've retreated into their tent. (Possible posting order: you > Slugger > Pokey)]

(C) Park; early next morning
[While fast asleep in his sleeping bag, the droning begins to wear off. Soon, Slugger will awaken to find that his nightmare is actually a reality...]

droned, *action

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