Sep 23, 2008 19:19
It is a disheartening sight, to step into the hospital and find so many people injured by these malicious packages, to find so many innocents harmed for the malicious pleasure of a single individual. One of my students was badly injured last night by those same bombs -- and although she is on her way to recovery, it is nonetheless a terrible thing to witness.
Her classmates had organized a trip to visit her and wish her well, despite the rising general fear of venturing out. Perhaps a trifling gesture in the long run -- but given that that is all that some of us are capable, it is some small encouragement, to see that camaraderie has yet to be destroyed.
just a teacher rly,
looking for the sun!,
sesquipedalian loquaciousness,
why so hopeful;;;,
no weather metaphors?,
ignoring the hypermonk,
asking for trouble really,
talks like a dictionary,
what cigar burns,
oh hai genkaku go away,
oh im ttly not hurt haha