Sep 11, 2013 00:25
As an American society, what is the ideal way to live?
Are we to merely live for ourselves with few restrictions?
Ideally, should the other humans around each and every one of us be treated as merely an elaborate means to an end?
Should people who 'can't make it' one way or another be eliminated through an elaborate system of social and economic ostracization since outright first degree murder is frowned upon (and apparently illegal)?
What does "We the people" mean? Does it mean "All of us that are in it together?" Or does it mean, "We, a bunch of individuals that merely tolerate each other to varying degrees to get through life? No more, no less?"
Are the blatant and intentional exploitation of other human beings okay as long as it's legal and our selected faith gives direct or ambiguous license to do so?
Hm. I seem a bit cynical this evening...