Just my headcanon post for Dave Strider. It might clear some things people might wonder about how I portray Dave if it differs from their own thoughts about him.
☼) Isn't much of a sleeper and rarely gets sleep unless he really needs it/gets enough to get by.
☼) Gets nightmares. He's thirteen and going through a shitton of doomed timelines. It's not really said how many doomed timelines he's been through and there's probably a chance a lot of them involve a lot of them dying. He doesn't talk about them or tell anyone. This also can be why he avoids sleeping as much.
☼) Tall and skinny. He's probably lean and toned because he trains hard with Bro, but his body type makes him a tad on the skinnier side. Makes him slightly lanky, but not in an awkward sense.
☼) Eats surprisingly healthier foods or lots of take-out(read: pizza). Buying junk food seems kind of pricey, so I imagine that they don't indulge in that as much. For Gog's sake he drinks apple juice.
☼) Likes the color of his eyes, hence his text color, but doesn't like people judging him about them. Avoids talking/showing them.
☼) Doesn't like school/kids at school. As cool as he makes himself, I also imagine that he's the type to garner unwanted attention in all sorts of forms.
☼) Has a brilliant smile. Not smirks or grins. Seldom smiles though, so they're pretty rare too.
☼) Is seriously not as cool as he says himself to be. Has some quirks that makes him more endearing then he likes to admit or makes him seem kind of dorky.
☼) More of a loner type then he makes it seem.
☼) Holds his friends/close one really closely. Doesn't really like the thought of them growing apart of losing them.
☼) Pretty gifted. Shows that he's fairly intelligent and also artistic.
☼) Appreciates things a lot more then he lets on. Is probably grateful about a lot of things. It's why he loved having Bro around and respected him.
☼) Holds people at arm's length. Skirts around issues and isn't all that vocal about certain things. Needs to be pushed about it before he even really decides to talk about it, if he does at all.
To Be Updated!