61-85%(Your 75% pure)
Shockingly average. You're a little jaded, but you haven't really done all that
much (though you probably think you have).
How do you measure up? TOTAL GEEK!!!
How much of a geek are you? brought to you by
Your Kagome! you like to hang out with your friends
and are always the first person to volunteer to
show a new student around, you are kind and
giving and enjoy having a occasional sleep-over
with the girls!
What Inuyasha Character are you? brought to you by
You feel happy, and loved. Nothing could be any
better for you....you may even have a love one
in your life....go you. (Please Vote)
What Emotion Dominates you? brought to you by
You are a gravestone shadow. You denote the
dignity and wisdom of history and memory. You
are foreboding and dignified. You value
tradition and memory because your soul is the
essence of those who lived and bled in the
ancient life you represent. You are slowly
fading from existence. Keep your place in this
story of time by consuming the future that you
find so threatening, for someday it will become
what you are: the past.(please rate my quiz cuz
it took me for freaking ever to create)
What Kind of Shadow Are You? (with gorgeous pics) brought to you by
You are a white dragon, pure and noble, you would
help humans if they desprately need you. YOu
are kind and wise with a heart of gold.
Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!) brought to you by
Your Sakaki! Ride on wheels! haha! Well your not in
love i don't think but you could be! Your not
obsessed with style or anything but...you try
to look good...
Which Witch Hunter Robin Character are you? brought to you by