> Daves: Hang out. (Fourth wall shenanigans, ahoy!)

Dec 10, 2011 00:56

[ The video feed opens to Dave, wearing remarkably less clothing than anybody last saw him in - just jeans and a t-shirt, in fact. No bulky coat, no Torchic body heater. Notably, there's no snow anywhere in sight, either - just rock walls, flickering with the light of a sizeable campfire.

And Dave, in the background, talking to... Dave? And another Dave, tending the fire? Dave-holding-the-Gear speaks up. ]

To whom it may concern:

Apparently my birthday wish came true. Gonna have to talk to the birthday wish fairies about their backlog, though. Six-day wait is bullshit. Whatever, though, I'm in Mt. Fucking Mortar and I'm never coming out.

[ Dave #2 ambles up behind him and flashes a thumbs-up in support of this statement. ]

I am staying the fuck here until spring thaw, or whatever it is that makes bears stop hibernating. Consider me officially a fucking grizzly until further notice.

[ If you're watching, another Dave appears quite suddenly in the background, hands a Pokémart grocery bag to Dave #3, and vanishes. Dave #3 breaks out the hotdogs and roasting sticks. ]

Striders out.

[ The feed cuts. ]

[ Let the chaos begin! Dave's got his time shenanigans powers back, so expect any number of temporal clones to pop in and out at will. ]

→mt mortar, ○video, ‼fourth wall

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